ObamaCare Stories: Real Life Stories on ObamaCare

We Asked You How You’ve Been Affected By ObamaCare, Here is What You Said Below are Real ObamaCare Stories from our readers. We asked you to share your ObamaCare stories on how health care reform has affected you. Thank you for the overwhelming amount of responses. We have done our best to answer your questions… Read More

Missed Deadline for ObamaCare

What Happens if I Missed the Deadline for ObamaCare? If you miss the annual deadline for ObamaCare Open Enrollment, you might miss your opportunity for cost-assisted coverage. However, you may still have options for obtaining health insurance. Open enrollment for private individual and family health plans is limited each year. For example, most states have… Read More

ACA Open Enrollment 2024 begins November 1st 2023: Dates, Changes, and Resources

It’s time for everyone to update their insurance plans The ACA Open Enrollment for 2024 is essential for individuals and families across the United States to re-evaluate their health insurance plans. The Affordable Care Act (ACA) continues to be a cornerstone in availing healthcare coverage to a vast swath of the American populace. As we… Read More

Sign Up for ObamaCare 2022

How to Sign Up For 2022 Health Insurance Under the Affordable Care Act Sign up for ObamaCare between November 1, 2021, and January 15, 2022, to get health coverage and cost assistance for 2022. Get covered at Healthcare.Gov. Key Dates For Open Enrollment 2022 To sign up for ObamaCare you must shop for coverage during open… Read More

2021 Special Enrollment Due to COVID-19

Find Out if You Qualify for 2021 Special Enrollment Due to COVID-19 There is a 2021 special enrollment due to COVID-19. Special enrollment due to COVID-19 runs from Feb 15, 2021 to May 15, 2021 (extended to Aug 15, 2021). Everyone who doesn’t have insurance qualifies, and many people will qualify for assistance based on… Read More

Sign Up for ObamaCare 2021

How to Sign Up For Health Insurance Under the Affordable Care Act During the 2020 – 2021 Open Enrollment Season Sign up for ObamaCare between November 1 and December 15, 2020 to get health coverage and cost assistance for 2021. Get covered at Healthcare.Gov. Key Dates For Open Enrollment 2021 To sign up for ObamaCare you… Read More

Sign Up for ObamaCare 2020

How to Sign Up For Health Insurance Under the Affordable Care Act During the 2019 – 2020 Open Enrollment Season Sign up for ObamaCare between November 1 and December 15, 2019 to get health coverage and cost assistance for 2020. Get covered at Healthcare.Gov. TIP: Open enrollment for 2021 starts Nov 1 2020. Learn more about… Read More

Sign Up for ObamaCare 2019

How to Sign Up For Health Insurance Under the Affordable Care Act During the 2018 – 2019 Open Enrollment Season Sign up for ObamaCare between November 1 and December 15, 2018 to get health coverage and cost assistance for 2019. Get covered at Healthcare.Gov. Key Dates For Open Enrollment 2019 To sign up for ObamaCare you must… Read More

950,000 Enrolled In 2015 Special Enrollment

According to CMS nearly 950,000 Americans selected a plan through the HealthCare.gov via Special Enrollment between February 23 and June 30, 2015. What Is Special Enrollment? A Special Enrollment Period (SEP) is a time outside of open enrollment where people can get a Marketplace plan that is eligible for cost assistance and protects them from the fee. There are a number… Read More

ObamaCare Exemptions List

A list of ObamaCare’s Exemptions, including Hardship Exemptions, you can apply for in order to qualify for Special Enrollment or be exempt from the fee can be found below. This page just covers the basics, see our page on ObamaCare Exemptions for further details on exemptions and the fee (active on plans held in 2014 –… Read More

Should I Get Health Insurance?

Having Health Insurance means you are covered in an emergency. Not getting coverage could result in big fees for those who wait until taxes are due. Obtaining and maintaining health insurance isn’t just about avoiding a fee, it’s about taking responsibility for your health, knowing you have coverage when you need it, and avoiding the devastating… Read More

Short Term Health Insurance

Everything You Need To Know About Short Term Health Insurance Under the Affordable Care Act Short term health insurance is meant to provide temporary health coverage. Short term plans don’t have to offer all of ObamaCare’s benefits and protections. Pros and Cons of Short Term Health Insurance The pros and cons of short term health… Read More

What is the Health Insurance Marketplace?

How to Use Your State’s Health Insurance Marketplace to Buy “Affordable” Health Insurance ObamaCare’s Health Insurance Marketplace, or ObamaCare Marketplace, is your State’s price comparison website for subsidized health insurance under the ACA. The following guide will explain the marketplace and how you, your family, and your business can compare health plans and qualify for… Read More

ObamaCare Special Enrollment Period

Qualifying for Coverage Outside of Open Enrollment A special enrollment period is a period outside of open enrollment in which you can get coverage due to qualifying life events. You may qualify for special enrollment if you have certain “qualifying life events” like a change in family status (having a baby, getting married, adoption, etc), losing… Read More

How to Sign up For ObamaCare

How to Sign up for Health Insurance Under the Affordable Care Act To sign up for ObamaCare, go to HealthCare.Gov or find your state’s health insurance marketplace, create an account, then enroll in a plan. Sign up for ObamaCare during open enrollment. Directions for signing up, details on cost assistance, fees, enrollment periods, and information… Read More

ObamaCare Open Enrollment Period

ObamaCare Open enrollment

When is Open Enrollment for ObamaCare, Medicaid, Medicare, and Other Insurance Types? Open enrollment is the annual period in which shoppers can enroll, switch plans, and get subsidies on health plans under the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). In general, open enrollment starts each year on November 1st and ends on January 15th. However, open enrollment may be extended… Read More

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