Rand Paul Opposes Graham-Cassidy Bill, but Don’t Get the Wrong Idea

Understanding Senator Rand Paul’s Opposition to the Graham-Cassidy Bill
Rand Paul opposes the Graham-Cassidy bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare, not because it cuts too much, but because it doesn’t cut enough.[1]
In other words, the Republican Senator from Kentucky Rand Paul might look like an ally to supporters of the Democratic Party on healthcare reform. However, this is only true however in some very limited ways (essentially in the way that he won’t vote for the Graham-Cassidy bill or other like-minded bills).
Rand Paul’s vision of healthcare reform is interesting, and arguably well intentioned, but it involves getting rid of most government involvement, expanding HSAs, reforming taxes, and letting people join “Association Health Plans (AHPs) that allow small businesses to pool together across state lines through their membership in a trade or professional association to purchase health coverage for their employees and their families.” See: Rand’s bill.
That sort of plan has its perks, but it also involves getting rid of more of the ACA than the Graham-Cassidy bill.
To Rand the problem with the Graham-Cassidy bill is that it essentially keeps most of the Affordable Care Act in place and shifts benefits from Democratic led states to Republican led states (while taking out a few things Democrats like, like expanded healthcare for women, and adding in a few things republicans like, such as letting states reduce Medicaid and Planned Parenthood funding).[2]
In other words, Rand is an ally to the socially minded left-wing in terms of opposing the Graham-Cassidy bill, and in terms of opposing other like-minded GOP healthcare reforms, but if and when a full repeal plan is on the table liberals will have to look to other Senators for support… as Rand would likely be at the front of the line to vote on a full repeal.
What is wrong with all of these politicians?