Worked at his job for 35 years-FIRED with terminal cancer

My husband worked in management at a prestigious law firm in NY owned by two attorney partners. He built the company with them from a small office of a few people to hundreds!
He never took a sick day for anything and we even attended each other’s familes milestone events. Birthdays, our children’s communions, bar mitzvahs, weddings etc..
My husband was diagnosed with Renal Cell ( kidney) cancer in mid-2009 and we then found it metastasized to his bones in early 2010.
He worked full time commuting an hour each way to his job during treatments, many hospitalizations and radiation for 4.5 years.
In September 2013 his company fired him!!
For having cancer!
We were left with no income, no medical insurance, no life insurance and went from a salary of $110,000/year to $21,000. year in SS disability!
It was shameful what they did to him-and to me, his wife! No health insurance with cancer is a definite death sentence and firing him made that their decision made early for him! They’re both unconscionable A-holes after the years he gave to them!
I signed up for COBRA-Everyone thinks that will protect them??!! What a joke!
Well, the premium alone was $2300./ month and that was for the plan we already had that had a $7,800. deductible and then 10% co insurance up to $11,200.
THAT premium comes to $35,740 per year!!!
That is $14,740 more per year for the premium-than our income! We only had SSD payments! And since ?I’m now caring for him-I can’t work either!
This is WHY Obamacare exists! Everyone could be right smack in that same spot at any time!
Two months after he was fired I also found out that I myself needed oxygen 24 hr day. at 58 years old!
Many people think they can get away without health insurance. Can you get by with no oxygen to breathe too?
I signed us up for January 1 coverage and our life changed dramatically.
My husband passed away at 63 on April 30, 2014 and my insurance continued on (after some turmoil in keeping it that lasted for months!)
Without it-I would be bankrupt! My home would have been taken!
The biggest cause of bankruptcy in the USA today is medical debt that people simply can’t afford to pay.
One of my husbands many hospitalizations in 2009 when he was first diagnosed and privately insured was billed at over $1,000,000.!!
And he had about 15-20 more after that one.
If YOU are the employee supporting your family-and get sick-and can’t work-without Obamacare-you’re screwed! So is your family!
SSD has a 2 year waiting period for medical coverage my husband never even got to see!
How would you get by? If your over 55 and own a house and go on Medicaid-kiss your home goodbye too! You’ll have nothing if you get sick without the affordable care act!
I hear people criticize it ALL THE TIME!! These people are ignorant or don’t know what they’re talking about-till it happens to them!
We are all human and have the basic human right to health care when we are ill. Anyone who doesn’t agree with that is a moron or a narcissist incapable of human emotion except for themselves!
I’d venture to say that with the affordable care act this country is saving money because before-the government picked up the entire tab for the uninsured!
I KNOW THAT!! I’ve been a RN for 40 years! It was was nothing short of insanity to watch an uninsured sore throat patient come in to the Emergency Room for it so they could get treatment without paying!
That’s a $15,000. sore throat that’s taking emergency care away from those who truly needed it-and a waste of taxpayer money. I hope that ended with
Everyone needs healthcare. It may even be YOU who finds yourself without it!
Cathy Wooten
My sister got fried from her job she has MS. She do not have insurance can not get disability. She is 61 year old. please help
If she lives in a state that expanded Medicaid she should qualify for Medicaid. The best way to find out is to contact your state Medicaid department. You can also typically find this out by calling the Marketplace during open enrollment. We are outside of open enrollment right now, but HealthCare.Gov can still help point you in the right direction.