What is the Maximum Income for Obamacare for 2021 – 2022?

What is the maximum income for ObamaCare?

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I have a family of 4. What is the income limit? Y does it say from 26k to 104k what does those numbers mean?

Kelly Vallandingham

I am in school living on a savings with rental property. I profit $1100 after I pay expenses for that property, but rent is $1800. I put in the 1100 a month and was told “maybe” I qualify for medicaid. Should I have put in the $1800 rent? This is the only taxable income I have


What about married filing jointly – family of 2 ?


I’m a novice to Obamacare – 2021 was my first year in it. I made very little money in 2021, but because they announced the removal of the income cap for Obamacare subsidies for 2021, I took a large withdrawal from my IRA, which then pushed me over the 400% of federal poverty line. Here’s my problem: The benchmark plan in my area is also apparently below 8.5% of our income, so they have now said that I need to repay all of the received subsidies for 2021. But this isn’t fair, in my opinion. Here are some actual numbers: I am paying $900 per month (before subsidy) for the least expensive Single Bronze PPO plan that allows an HSA and is accepted by my hospital / doctor. They are saying that the benchmark plan is a Silver HMO that costs $730 per month. But, it doesn’t include an HSA option and it is not accepted by my doctor/ hospital. Here’s my question: Can I protest their choice of a benchmark plan?


What if you start the year on a family plan of 2 and then one person drops off the plan so now the coverage is only for one person. Which income bracket above do you fall into?


so just double checking. My husband and I file jointly. We are only 2 people. But we fall under family of 4? 2021 was family of 2 for maximum income requirements


What is modified AGI income limit for 2021 if our policy started with 2 person in January then change to one person in April?
I became eligible for Medicare in April so dropped out and my wife continued Obamacare


“$12,760-$51,040 as an individual, or $26,200-$104,800 as a family of 4”
What if you are a married couple filing jointly? Does this fall under the “family of 4”?


Is there a resource limit for Obamacare?
And what if you qualify for both Medi-Cal and Obamacare? Which do you get?

Michael J Donovan

is the minimum and maximum income based on the Gross or Adjusted Income?


Is this INCOME gross income? Adjusted Gross Income? Or Taxable Income? It makes a huge difference!

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