Employer Mandate: I must participate in group coverage?

Employer requiring I join their group plan or be fired.
Employer requiring I join their group plan or be fired.
President Obama made his third appearance on the Colbert Report to present a Colbert style monologue on ObamaCare. Watch Obama on Colbert below and let us know what you think in comments section. While the above video is fairly funny to watch, it makes a few really important points. They are: The website has been running… Read More
My insurance went up $400 per month and my deductible went from $2500 per year to $12,000. I now have a $6000 medical bill to pay. This plan is a disaster and is financially crushing my family.
Health insurance companies can’t drop you, but can drop your medications.
Improperly named Affordable Health Care Act.
More like stick it to the public act.
Obamacare fails.
Some ObamaCare plans automatically renew Jan 1st, others don’t. Ensure your plan and cost assistance before Dec 15, to avoid problems.
A short descriptions on how the ObamaCare Employer Mandate is affecting me
ObamaCare’s family affordability glitch means family members with access to employer coverage costing less than roughly 10% of household income per member can’t get subsidies on the Health Insurance Marketplace.
Today we released our free ObamaCare eBook, the ObamaCareFacts.com Guide to Open Enrollment 2015. We help you understand how to get covered and stay covered in the Health Insurance Marketplace. We also review tips and tricks for getting lower costs, getting the right plan, and explain everything from the fee, to open enrollment, to health insurance… Read More
How the ACA saved me $-4032
Although Obamacare was enacted with good intentions, insurance companies overstating the actual percentage they will pay causes Obamacare to place additional unexpected financial burdens on the poor.
Here is our ObamaCare Thanksgiving list of the reasons we are grateful for the Affordable Care Act. Before you read our ObamaCare Thanksgiving list, take a moment to listen to a Thanksgiving message from our President. We are grateful to the Affordable Care Act because: • 8 million got affordable coverage through the marketplace and millions more got covered last… Read More
My wife is a retired teacher who has health insurance through the state employee retiree program. She has been asked to work a 120 day interim for a maternity leave teacher. She is being told by the HR director that at 90 days she must drop her retirement insurance and take the school system insurance…. Read More
No kidding, my health insurance for my family of 5 doubled.
A November 2014 Kaiser Poll shows the majority of uninsured are unaware of open enrollment date, despite saying health insurance was important and needed. Let’s take a look at what the Kaiser Health Tracking Poll shows about the uninsured going into open enrollment 2015. Kaiser Health Tracking Poll 2014 Summary Despite the fact that the… Read More
According to a document posted on November 21st, 2014, the United States House of Representatives Committee on Oversite and Government Reform will be calling on Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator Marilyn Tavenner and ACA architect Jonathan Gruber to testify on Tuesday, December 9th before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee on what they feel… Read More
John Boehner filed a lawsuit Nov 24, 2014 to sue the President over taking executive action on the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). The “Boehner lawsuit” focuses on the delay of the employer mandate, the claim that funds are paid to insurers without congressional approval, and overall takes issue with the Presidents use of executive action to implement… Read More
By the end of November everyone enrolled in a Health Insurance Marketplace plan should get two notices about changing and renewing marketplace plans during open enrollment 2015. One notice will be from your insurer and the other will be from your state’s marketplace. These notifications will help you to understand what is new for open enrollment 2015… Read More
Jonathan Gruber is “ObamaCare’s architect” and a MIT professor. He is also the guy who made two poorly worded statements about the Affordable Care Act. This isn’t the type of story we like to cover on our site, as it is full of mind-melting juicy talking points that leave one non-the-smarter. That being said, the story… Read More
How is ObamaCare Affected by the 2014 Midterms? How do the 2014 midterm elections affect ObamaCare? Victories for Republicans in the House and Senate could mean trouble for ObamaCare’s key provisions. Republicans are pretty out-spoken about their dislike of some of ObamaCare’s major provisions like the medical device tax, medicaid expansion, the individual mandate, and… Read More
ObamaCare’s open enrollment period for 2015 starts on November 15th, 2014 and ends on February 15th, 2015. Let’s review the most important things to know about open enrollment in the health insurance marketplace for 2015. • Open enrollment is the only time you can get cost assistance, enroll in a plan, or change plans. This is true whether you… Read More
Watch Sicker and Sicker and “Find Out What Happens When the Government Becomes Your Doctor”… And Then Get the Facts on the Movie’s Claims. Find out how to watch “Sick and Sicker: ObamaCare Canadian Style,” and then get the facts behind the movie. We did the research to help you figure out the truth behind… Read More
A new CDC report shows the largest decrease in the uninsured rate was recorded among young adults age 19-25, from 19.8 percent in 2013 to 14.9 percent in first quarter of 2014. Was it the the expansion of Medicaid, woodworking effects, under 26 young adults staying on their parents plan, subsidies that 82% of uninsured… Read More
ObamaCare’s impact on Walmart seem to have brought a new business opportunity, and a sad day for employees. Walmart cut back benefits for part-time workers in an effort to cut healthcare costs before the looming 2015 mandate to insure full-time workers. The end result of Walmarts reaction to ObamaCare for the employees won’t be too… Read More