Why ObamaCare is Not Socialism

ObamaCare isn’t “socialism”. Under ObamaCare we have a regulated private health care industry that uses a mix of public and private funding..
Opinions from the ObamaCareFacts.com staff. Read opinion editorials and other blog types articles about the Affordable Care Act.
ObamaCare isn’t “socialism”. Under ObamaCare we have a regulated private health care industry that uses a mix of public and private funding..
Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Tex.) claimed 108 billion divided by 12 million equals 5 million, however the actual number was 5 thousand. We prove it with math.
Ted Cruz may “get ObamaCare” or as we like to call it “buying health insurance”. Ted Cruz is a showman and we expect he’ll use this experince as a stunt, if he does decide to go through with it.
The Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) was signed into law 5 years ago on March 23rd, 2010. We look at the successes, sticking points, and politics of the law.
Confused by King V Burwell? Between the legal, political, and ideological battles, the complexity healthcare, and a 1000 page law, you aren’t alone.
Phil Robertson claimed 110 million Americans have STIs, he mis-quoted a CDC report, ignored the fact CPAC is anti-healthcare reform, and blamed it on hippies (obviously).
Under the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare) if you didn’t have health insurance for the whole year you may owe the fee, but if you had coverage for some of the year you may qualify for an exemption.
Section 1311 of the Affordable Care Act grants “an Exchange established by the state” authority (to issue subsidies), but doesn’t mention an Exchange established by the federal government. This is the key to understanding King V. Burwell.
Why is ObamaCare so polarizing? Perhaps like the blue and black (gold and white) dress, it is simply a matter of context and perspective.
Orrin Hatch’s replacement plan for ObamaCare, dubbed “the freedom option” in a WSJ op-ed, is an alternative to amending the law to clarify that Healthcare.Gov can issue subsidies, and is essentially a rehash of the old “repeal ObamaCare” plan.
If you are running out of time to enroll in a Marketplace plan for 2015, follow the steps below to ensure you get covered.
They say the 60th time is a charm, or even if they don’t… The house voted for the 56th time to repeal ObamaCare, and the vote passed 239-186. Added together with provisional attempts this is the 60th GOP attempt to repeal the law.
To Martin Luther King, Jr. (MLK) healthcare was vital. MLK advocated for civil rights and against inequality in both healthcare and health insurance. What Did MLK Say About HealthCare and Health Insurance? Martin Luther King advocated for change in the healthcare system due to the multi-tiered approach health care providers took toward different types of… Read More
Get the Facts on the 60 minutes report on ObamaCare “Dissecting ObamaCare” featuring Steven Brill author of “America’s Bitter Pill.” We fact-check the video. Watch the full of the 60 Minutes ObamaCare video. First fact-check, it’s only 13:19 minutes long, not 60:00. CBS intended each of its segments to run for approximately 15 minutes and… Read More
With ObamaCare deadlines for open enrollment approaching, it’s important to think about health insurance policy periods. Here are some key facts to help you understand why getting covered during open enrollment isn’t just about avoiding the fee, it’s about value. Your health insurance deductible (the amount you have to pay for covered in-network services before coinsurance kicks in)… Read More
December 15th is the last day to get a health plan that starts by January 1st. The 15th is also the last day to verify your plan and information for the 1st. Visit HealthCare.Gov or find your state’s Health Insurance Marketplace and enroll in a plan by December 15th. This general rule applies for private… Read More
President Obama made his third appearance on the Colbert Report to present a Colbert style monologue on ObamaCare. Watch Obama on Colbert below and let us know what you think in comments section. While the above video is fairly funny to watch, it makes a few really important points. They are: The website has been running… Read More
Here is our ObamaCare Thanksgiving list of the reasons we are grateful for the Affordable Care Act. Before you read our ObamaCare Thanksgiving list, take a moment to listen to a Thanksgiving message from our President. We are grateful to the Affordable Care Act because: • 8 million got affordable coverage through the marketplace and millions more got covered last… Read More
John Boehner filed a lawsuit Nov 24, 2014 to sue the President over taking executive action on the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). The “Boehner lawsuit” focuses on the delay of the employer mandate, the claim that funds are paid to insurers without congressional approval, and overall takes issue with the Presidents use of executive action to implement… Read More
Jonathan Gruber is “ObamaCare’s architect” and a MIT professor. He is also the guy who made two poorly worded statements about the Affordable Care Act. This isn’t the type of story we like to cover on our site, as it is full of mind-melting juicy talking points that leave one non-the-smarter. That being said, the story… Read More
ObamaCare’s open enrollment period for 2015 starts on November 15th, 2014 and ends on February 15th, 2015. Let’s review the most important things to know about open enrollment in the health insurance marketplace for 2015. • Open enrollment is the only time you can get cost assistance, enroll in a plan, or change plans. This is true whether you… Read More
Watch Sicker and Sicker and “Find Out What Happens When the Government Becomes Your Doctor”… And Then Get the Facts on the Movie’s Claims. Find out how to watch “Sick and Sicker: ObamaCare Canadian Style,” and then get the facts behind the movie. We did the research to help you figure out the truth behind… Read More
Electronic Health Records (EHR) Hurts Doctors? This Argument is a Fail, Much Like Alabama’s refusal to expand Medicaid. A recent video complains that electronic health records (EHR) mandated by the ACA hurts doctors. But, in reality EHR improves healthcare drastically. The the video Mo Brooks complains that having to keep digital records (EHR) and use a… Read More
ObamaCare affects premium rates, that much is for sure, but whether or not they are rising or falling seems to depend upon your news source. Sure, that was meant as a back-handed dig on those super useful biased news outlets, but there is actually some good truth in the idea that rate fluctuations are a… Read More
We Dispel This Propaganda Video With the Facts Just had this silly(?) ObamaCare propaganda video posted in the comments section. Let’s set the facts straight on the tastefully named “Obamacare culling the heard video”… not because it is super popular, but because it encapsulates the what-if negative conspiracy theory view on the law that continues… Read More