Author: Thomas DeMichele

Thomas DeMichele is the head writer and founder of,, and other websites. He has been in the health insurance and healthcare information field since 2012. is a free informational website created by (dog) Media Solutions.

Dog Media Solutions is a media company founded by Thomas DeMichele and Walter Whitney that focuses on creating fact-based media, including web, print, audio, and video. We have no outside funding and attempt to leave our own politics at the door when discussing the facts.

Our team consists of:

Tom DeMichele: Head Author and Content Strategist for (and and
Carter Bastian: Author and Editor
Erin Georgen: Design and Editor
Paul Mullen: Author and Advisor
Mark Rudnitskiy: Social Media
Sean Sullivan: Advertising
Walt Whitney: Marketing

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Trump’s Recent HealthCare Claims Fact-Checked

Trump’s Claims That 2 Million More People Just Dropped out of ObamaCare, that ObamaCare is in a Death Spiral, and that Democrats are Obstructing Fact-Checked Trump claimed a lot of things about healthcare recently, we fact-check some key claims like “2 million more people just dropped out of ObamaCare.” Claim: Trump recently tweeted “2 million more people… Read More

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