Will Trump Extend Open Enrollment?

Are There Any Open Enrollment Extensions?
Many people were unable to get through to the Marketplace Call Center before open enrollment ended, but there is a short grace period. Don’t give up yet. Trump has refused to extend the national deadline past Friday, 12-15-2017 at midnight although some states have extended their deadlines. Those are listed below. Even is your state kept the national deadline, you should try to see if you can use the grace period.
Fact: If you can get the enrollment process started near the official open enrollment cut off date, you stand a good chance of being allowed to complete the process.
If you can get through and leave your name and phone number, even if you do not reach a person to talk to, there is a good chance that you will get a callback and be able to register for January 1, 2018. The number is 1-800-318-2596 and TTY 1-855-889-4325.
A few states which have their own state-run marketplaces have extended their enrollment periods. If you live in one of these states, you have some extra time. These states have not yet ended open enrollment. Also, those effected by Hurricane Harvey are eligible for an extension until Dec. 31, 2017.
- California: until January 31, 2018
- Colorado: until January 12, 2018
- Connecticut: until December 22, 2017
- District of Columbia: until January 31, 2018
- Massachusetts: until January 23, 2018
- Minnesota: until January 14, 2018
- New York: until January 31, 2018
- Rhode Island, until December 31, 2017
- Washington: until January 15, 2018
If you enroll under an extended deadline, your plan will have a later start date. If you enroll by January 15, your plan will start February 1st. If you enroll between January 16th and 31st, your plan will begin on March 1st.
Barbara Spaulding
I think after all these years the healthcare.gov software should be able to take last step to complete an individuals enrollment. I received dozens of emails from them instructing me to take the last step and enroll beginning the morning of the 14th.
I tried to do it dozens of times until 10pm the 15th !!!
I’ve left call back number,several of them, assured by automated operator I would still be able to enroll by leaving phone number. I’m feeling slightly nauseated that won’t happen.
IF they do not call and they too are unable to get the software to work the silver lining of going without insurance next year is I won’t have to pay a tax penalty. The only thing for average Americans in the GOP Tax Bill.
God Bless you for asking for my opinion and giving me a place to vent.