ObamaCare Helped Me Finally Get Affordable Coverage

I have spent the last ten years paying more for less coverage, till my HMO added up to a nice car payment. After losing my job for the first time in thirty years, I had no coverage. Due to the changes president Obama has made I was able to get affordable PPO insurance. One month later I broke my ankle falling off a ladder. I was in tears, the first quote they have me was over five thousand, or no surgery with a complexity displaced bone. I called my insurance if only had for one month, the quote was wrong my co pay was 250.00. I’m tired of people out of touch with the middle class using cheap political reteric, to make Obama Care sound like something we don’t need. It was a god send for me, as well as the person who told me about it. Thank you for being what I believe is the most brave president in my life time.
If you lost your job and had no coverage of course you’ll get the highest subsidy, or Catastrophic which means you pay nothing, but there are ppl who are working and are being screwed over by these health insurance companies and the government is allowing it. It’s all a scam that the middle class ppl are paying for.