CommonWealth: State Trends in Employer Coverage

State Trends in the Cost of Employer Health Insurance Coverage, 2003–2013

The new January 2015 Commonwealth Fund healthcare report shows the ACA is the only thing curbing health insurance costs, which are rising faster than income.

The report is long, but the point is short, employer-sponsored health Insurance costs (particularly premiums and deductibles) have been rising far faster than  median income since 2003. Deductibles have almost doubled nationally, and it’s pretty much all bad news. Except for one little tid-bit… one little small thing… The only thing that seems to have curbed any of the growth is the Affordable Care Act.

Since the Act was signed into law in 2010 31 states have seen a decrease in employer-sponsored health insurance related costs. Considering half of America gets its coverage though work, this is important.

As much as it feels good to read a report showing that all the hardwork of passing the ACA has helped Americans get more Affordable insurance, it does little to curb the fact that health care costs are still growing faster than the growth of income in many states. The report illustrates why we needed healthcare reform, however it seems to also illustrate why we still need it.

We will do a more detailed breakdown of the report soon. For now read the report for yourself.

January 2015 Commonwealth Report: State Trends in the Cost of Employer Health
Insurance Coverage, 2003–2013

Interactive Map

Infographic_Schoen_state_trends_2003_2013_IG_v301 (2)

Author: Thomas DeMichele

Thomas DeMichele is the head writer and founder of,, and other websites. He has been in the health insurance and healthcare information field since 2012. is a...

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