How to Replace Health Insurance Card

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How do I go about obtaining a replacement insurance card? My mom signed me up originally and I have no clue where to go or who to call to get a new one since my wallet was stolen. My birthday is 05/29/1994, located in Arizona.
Jocelyn Cruz
I lost my Pennsylvania card and now moved to New Jersey. How can I reapply?
If you moved then you need to contact the marketplace and let them know you moved so you can switch to a New Jersey plan. Please keep in mind you have a short window for special enrollment, so you’ll want to do this ASAP to make sure everything goes smoothly.
You can learn more here:
Sara pagan
I was told by my doctors office that I have Obama care but I never received a insurance card am I to use the green mi health care card that I have? I’m so confused I don’t know how to find out
You can contact the marketplace for help, or you can contact your insurer directly, or your doctor’s should be able to contact the insurer on your behalf and they can fax over the info. If you have the policy, there are a few ways to go about getting care while you wait for your card and/or requesting your card be mailed to you.
Helen Singh
I’ve lost my wallet just got off worked my wallet just of fell riding my back need to visit a .dentist !!! but new re -place ment card so I could get relief
If you lose your insurance card you can contact your insurer and they can fax it over to the dentist / doctor office while you wait for your replacement. Or at least this should be the case. Step 1 is call your insurer to request a new card to inquire about the next best step.
Suzanne Albers
I enrolled my son and never got my card
You can request one from your insurer!
James fassbinder
I forgot my insurer
If you signed up through the marketplace, contact them to find out. If you signed up outside, look at your bank statement and see if you can find who you made the payment to.
I lost my Insurance Card & I’m not sure who my insurer was. Is there a way you can tell me who my insurer is?
You should call the marketplace directly in an instance like this. When in doubt, call your insurer, when in doubt about your insurer, call
Jewell Jones Jr
I have lost my medical card and I need a new please , thank you so very much
You will need to contact your actual insurer. This is an independent informational website, we literally have no ability to get you a replacement card. We just tried to give people direction and resources and answer questions.
Phylicia Mcfall
How would I know who to contact about getting my insurance card?
Just gotta call the insurer.
I don’t know who my insurance provider is, but I need a new card. Don’t need to use it right now but I need a new one asap
Tayari Gant
I was robbed. My insurance card was in my wallet. I need it tomorrow.
Calvin Jerome lyles
I lost my wallet with both insurance cards in it health and dental how can I get a replacement? And I don’t know anything about poviders at all cause I never got the chance to use it and don’t know the doctor I was subscribe to. Can anyone please help me out with a new one?
You can contact the insurer and have them send a copy, they can also coordinate with a healthcare provider if care is needed in the interm.
Elmer Lee Smith
I have called about 20 times asking for a card so I can go to the doctor. Anyone and everyone that finally excepts my call after being on hold anywhere from 20 minutes until up to an hour, keeps telling me that their are going to send me a card. I have been told this every time I called. I don’t have time to waste sitting on the phone time after time and not getting any results. I wait 10 days , there is no card and I have to call again. The same routine for 5 months. This is not making any sense at all, but I have to make my payments on time. What the Hell is that. This is a sorry excuse of a company. It’s almost like there are running a scam. Everybody I talk to is so calm and polite assuring me that I would receive a card just look for it 7 to 10 days. I feel like I’m in a bad dream. Why is it so hard to get a card?
latoya mcneal
I was on United health care insurance but i been trying to go the dentist and make doctors appointment but they was saying i don’t have insurance and i would like to know y but i need me a card so i can go to the dentist and the doctor cause i really need the card
You always want to address this issue directly with your insurer. They can coordinate your claims without the physical card, but you need to call them.
Calvin Lyles
Ive lost my insurance cards and trying to get a replacement
Simple as contacting the insurer ASAP. They can coordinate care with a provider without the card if need be.
Tina Marie Reed
lost my card need a new one could you send me a new one please
To be clear guys, we are an independent site for ACA advice. You’ll always request a card through your insurer directly. If you don’t have it on hand and need care coordinate with the insurer and get the information (or get the information faxed to the healthcare provider as needed).
Kim Hugo kertay
I lost my my obama medical card and need a replacement card.
Please note that we are an unofficial fact-based website simply trying to help everyone find the information they are looking for. If you need a new card you always want to direct the request first and foremost to your insurance provider. If you need care in the meantime they can fax your card information to a healthcare provider, but in non-emergency situations make sure to coordinate the insurance part before getting the care to make sure what you think will be covered is.
Jeremy L. Caldwell
I have lost my healthcare card in which I have never used but need to immediately how do I get a copy
Contact your health insurer and they will mail you one. In the meantime your doctor’s office can call them to coordinate care.
Kelly June Adams
my wallet was stolen with my Obama care insurance card was inside my wallet
If your insurance card is stolen you should report it immediately to your insurer and have a new card issued. Here is an article on some tips for what to do in the meantime if you have to make a claim: