Why Don’t I Qualify for a Subsidy?

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I am a single Mom who live in NJ with my four children. My total household income is about $60,000. I private pay for my insurance and my children recently lost their health insurance when their father lost his job in Nov ’14. I am frantically trying to obtain affordable health care for my 4 children. I claim all 4 as dependents and yet was told by a Marketplace representative Monday evening that we do not qualify for Obamacare. My household income falls below 400% of the FPL of $27,000 but is above the Medicaid limit of 138% of FPL. Can you please help me understand why my children were not approved to obtain a subsidized plan through the Marketplace?
Joyce Daniels
I was told I didn’t quilify for Obama heath because we don’t make enough money to quialfy. Family of two about 1300 a year..what is my next step
Joyce Daniels
I was told I didn’t quilify for Obama heath because we don’t make enough money to quialfy. Family of two about 1300 a year..what is my next step
Tanya Frazier
why dont i qualify for obamacare? I have 2 children and they have medicaid. I only need health care for me and I dont qualify for medicaid?