How and Where can I Obtain Health Insurance Before November 1st Open Enrollment?

My health insurance has been cancelled because I did not pay my premium on time.
Today is April 28th, 2017. Where and how can I be insured between now and open enrollment on November 1st, 2017?
I did not pay my Emblemhealth March 1 premium by March 31.
My coverage was obtained through the nystateofhealth marketplace, but I receive no subsidy from the USA or NY state. On April 10, Emblemhealth told me my insurance policy was cancelled. Emblem said they will not re-enroll me. nystateofhealth said I had not had a qualifying life event and said nystateofhealth would not help me obtain health insurance until November 1st.
I contacted 6 insurance companies who advertise online. All said I have to go through nystateofhealth to obtain an individual policy, but nystateofhealth says NY cannot help me until November 1.
The penalty for not paying my bill on time:
1 No health insurance from Emblemhealth,
2 No replacement health insurance policy available to me from Aetna, Ehealth, Emblemhealth, First Health, Oscar, or United Health.
If Emblemhealth will not allow me to be re-enrolled and competing insurers say I have to go through nystateofhealth, which will not help me until November 1st, what am I to do in the next six months to obtain health insurance?
I did not pay my bill on time. The penalty is NO health insurance from Emblemhealth and NO coverage available from any other provider. What am I supposed to do?
I have to stay healthy.
I solicit advice on how to obtain an individual health insurance policy for a man aged 61, non-smoker, in NY state as soon as possible.
OBAMACARE FACTS ANSWER: The answer here is that if your insurance is dropped you should appeal. Learn “how to appeal a health insurance company decision.” There isn’t always a lot of options if you are dropped for non-payment, but if you have made good faith efforts to pay the insurer may reverse the decision. The problem with the current system is that if you do lose coverage you have no good options until next enrollment. The latest GOP plan (the AHCA) and the latest rules from Trump only make deadlines tighter and rules stricter. It is important for us all to keep in mind the real affects of this. This doesn’t mean we should blame Trump or Obama, but rather we should all be aware of how frustrating being dropped for non-payment is for those who truly want to be covered and made a mistake.
Linda spooner
I am on disability and right now I have cobra health insurance however it expires in two months and I am not eligible for Medicare until Match or April of 2019. Looking for short term insurance to bridge the gap. Any information would be appreciated.
The simplest way to find short term is to Google “short term health insurance.”
Then you get to navigate the private market and try to find a plan that works for you. Be careful when doing that and aim to contact established and trusted brands.
Brian Onstott
That is totally unacceptable. Give me one good reason that would prevent Obamacare from having open enrollment year around? I don’t see hospitals closing down or doctor offices or clinics or dentists or even pharmacies. So, why would any politician, or for that matter any sane person think that closing registrations on healthcare at the beginning of each year was a good idea? It’s a stupid, lazy idea because the and just about every other agency in the US relies on the information from your tax return in order to qualify you for just about anything. For instance, FAFSA, which is the federal agency that is responsible for student loans and scholorships, is about the only agency that admits that you cannot sign up unless you do your taxes first. Well, I don’t see any brain surgeons in the government that are even close to figuring out how to qualify earnings without the use of the IRS. Think about it. How do you think verifies earnings? Is it because the end of January is as close as they could get to April 15th? I’m completely in agreement with the gentleman that sent this because I hear it all the time, but nobody seems to want to change anything. SNAFU. The worst part about this is that Obamacare has actually helped people without much money, but for the middle class, we are all screwed. The icing on the cake, or I should say the shit stack, on the cake is whatever Trump and his band of idiots throw up on us as some sort of healthcare policy.