ObamaCare and HSAs for 2017

Health Saving Accounts and ObamaCare for 2017 We cover everything you need to know about Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) for 2017, including how HSAs work with ObamaCare plans. What Are Health Savings Accounts? Health savings accounts are tax-advantaged medical savings accounts that you can draw money from for certain medical expenses. They work a bit… Read More

ObamaCare Open Enrollment 2017

Understanding ObamaCare’s 2017 Open Enrollment Period Open Enrollment 2017 started November 1, 2016 and ended January 31, 2017. Open enrollment is the only time you can enroll in a health plan on the individual market without qualifying for special enrollment. That means if you wanted to get cost assistance and avoid the monthly fee for 2017,… Read More

What is HillaryCare?

Hillary Clinton Healthcare reform

HillaryCare Explained – The History of Hillary Clinton’s Healthcare Reform Efforts HillaryCare describes healthcare reform efforts by Hillary Clinton. This includes her healthcare reform efforts in 1993 that paved the way for CHIP and the ACA, and all efforts since. If Hillary gets elected HillaryCare will describe healthcare reform under her Presidency. Below we discus: Hillary’s… Read More

ObamaCare News Archives 2012 – 2014

ObamaCare News Archives Below you will find our archive of news articles on the Affordable Care Act from 2012 – 2014, see our current ObamaCare news section for recent news related to the ACA. ObamaCare News November 2014 Should I Shop Inside or Outside of the Marketplace? Published November 20th, 2014 by ObamaCare Facts Most of… Read More

TrumpCare Explained

What is TrumpCare? “TrumpCare” describes health care reform under Donald Trump. We explain TrumpCare and how it is different than ObamaCare. An Introduction to the Many HealthCare Bills, Regulations, and Ideas We Call “TrumpCare.” Below we explain different aspects of TrumpCare. When people say “TrumpCare” they are essentially referring to healthcare changes made, attempted to be… Read More

Health Plan Options for College Students

College students have a number of health plan options including the Marketplace, Medicaid, school health plans, catastrophic plans, and their parents plan. Below we take a look at student health options under the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). FACT: A university health plan counts as Minimum Essential Coverage for ObamaCare if it’s fully insured or self insured. Aside… Read More

How Before-Tax and After-Tax Contributions Affect Subsides

How IRA’s and HSAs work with the ACA Before-tax and tax deductible contributions (like to a traditional IRA) lower MAGI and increase subsidies. After-tax contributions lower MAGI on withdrawal (like the Roth IRA). HSA’s are tax free in and tax free out, which make them especially cool. This is generally true for ObamaCare’s tax credits… Read More

Kaiser Survey Says, “People like ObamaCare” (ish)

A recent survey from KKF.org shows that people like their non-group insurance under ObamaCare. The findings are pretty remarkable showing that Republicans are more likely to dislike their insurance then independents or democrats, more people are benefiting from plan costs under the ACA then not, and the only thing people like less than ACA-compliant plans are plans that aren’t ACA compliant.

Tax Credits and Changes to Income

Tax credits are based on annual household income, not monthly income. If projected annual income changes you can adjust cost assistance to avoid repayment. Quick Facts on Cost Assistance and Changes to Income There are three important things to understand about cost assistance and changes to income: Marketplace cost assistance is based on projected annual household income,… Read More

Allowed Amount and Balance Billing (Health Insurance)

An allowed amount is the maximum amount an insurer will pay for a covered health service, the remainder owed by the insured is called “balance billing”. Allowed Amount Versus No Dollar Limits No lifetime or annual dollar limits means there is no limit to what an insurer will spend on all care as a whole,… Read More

Clarification on 9.5% of Employee-Only Coverage

We are as sure as the final rule from the IRS in front of us that 9.5% applies to employee-only coverage and not dependent or family coverage.

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