Before Obamacare, I Was Sent Home to Die of Cancer.

In late 2012, before Obamacare took effect, I was diagnosed with cancer at the age of 29. I had Aetna health insurance and was paying $250 per month. My insurance paid for my diagnoses, surgery, and hospital stay. When it was time for me to receive chemotherapy, I was told by the accountant at the doctor’s office that she cannot approve the chemotherapy treatment because I fall under the “preexisting clause”. I didn’t understand because I had never been sick before. I contacted Aetna and I was told that they will pay for the treatment. However, when I went back to the doctor’s office, the accountant told me that she didn’t believe that Aetna would pay because I have not had the insurance long enough and could use the preexisting clause to not pay for the treatment. She said that there have been many cases where the insurance company says they will pay but they don’t. She didn’t believe in my case that they would pay and therefore cannot approve the treatment. She also said that even if they pay, they could come back and sue me due to the preexisting clause. I was sent home to die. Luckily, one of the doctor’s at the hospital offered to give me chemotherapy free of charge.