GOP Repealed ObamaCare’s Mandate in Tax Bill

The GOP Repeals Mandate, And Trump Claims This Means ObamaCare Is Repealed (We Clarify What Actually Occurred)

President Trump declared that ObamaCare was repealed, but in reality the GOP tax bill simply repealed the fee for individuals not getting health coverage.[1]

The fee for 2019 forward is now $0 on a federal level, although some states have their own fee.

In other words, the mandate was effectively repealed on a federal level starting in 2019,  but the mandate wasn’t repealed, it doesn’t take effect immediately, and certainly ObamaCare as a whole wasn’t repealed (as Trump’s remarks on Dec. 20th implied).

In other words, not only was the ACA no repealed, but the claim that the mandate was repealed is misleading. As the tax bill waits a full year to effectively repeal the mandate, and even then it doesn’t actually repeal it, it just takes away the fee.

ObamaCare AKA the Affordable Care Act is 1,000 pages of benefits, rights, protections, taxes, and rules to reform healthcare in general. The GOP tax bill simply changed one provision, the one commonly called “the individual mandate.” That isn’t exactly the same as ObamaCare (aka the Affordable Care Act) being repealed.

“When the individual mandate is being repealed, that means Obamacare is being repealed… We will come up with something much better.”

– President Trump

You can read more at CBS News: Is Obamacare repealed, as Trump said?

Article Citations
  1. CBS News: Is Obamacare repealed, as Trump said?

Author: Thomas DeMichele

Thomas DeMichele is the head writer and founder of,, and other websites. He has been in the health insurance and healthcare information field since 2012. is a...

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