ObamaCare Discrimination Leads to Disability – Story

A series of unfortunate events out of my control have resulted in my current inability to function as a hard working American. I’m not victimizing myself intentionally, yet I am so isolated from my old life due to a slip and fall injury last January that I am the first to excuse myself as being “pathetically incapable” of thriving as is. In part, from lack of human contact during extreme duress following ORIF surgery to repair multiple tibia and fibula fractures/ temporary handicap with no emotional nor physical support resulting in depression beyond medicine.
@12:00 am on 1/1/2015… completely sober and alone in temperatures below 0 f, I slipped on ice and broke my tibia and shattered fibula. I rolled to my cell phone which flew from hands during fall and landed in street. after reaching phone, I was unable to call for help because fingers were too cold to operate touch screen. I rolled to my vehicle about 100FT away and reset phone then pulled myself up to driver seat and warmed hands. I attempted to call for help but circuits were busy due to New Years greetings. I couldnt even call 911. then I dangled right leg out door and used left foot to drive to my commercial office less than mile away. EMTs transported me to ER. Due to holiday I was not able to be seen by orthapedic surgeon until Jan. 2Nd. On Jan. 2nd the doctor I was referred to confirmed I needed surgery to heal properly and scheduled. it for Monday 5th. They asked if any concerns. I told them, yes. I was allergic to metal. so allergic I my ears were not pierced. they noted it. on day of surgery the doctor asked about my concerns. I repeated allergy to metal. I was not skin patch tested. Instead was told stainless steal implants used nearly complication free. My recovery long and ongoing. I am so allergic to implants that I have symptoms similiar to heavy metal toxicity. the doctor’s physician assistant ignored my symptoms until I demanded see doctor. By then I was out of my post op through medicaid. apparently I had to get referral from primary care doc to to be seen again. my primary care dox never looked at my ankle or asked about injury, yet diagnosed me as being clinically depressed with anxiety ussues and alcoholic. Fortunately she gave me referral, too. 3 weeks later the orthopedic doc cleared me to make apt for another 3 weeks out. the doc agreed the implants should come out… 9 months after injury I am waiting for insurance to approve removal surgery.
Sorry taxpayers, I much rather be on your side but I believe healthcare declined and discrimination towards obamacare recipients so extreme rhat I have become permanently disabled burden despite my attempts to thrive.
Joel M. Geller
Law is magic by words. The magic words in your case are DISCRIMINATION AND MALPRACTICE.
Call and demand action be nice but if they start to blow you off tell them” the lawyer mentioned DISCRIMINATION AND MALPRACTICE” u will become their top priority trust me I’m a lawyer!!
Sorry to hear that. If I were you I would talk to a lawyer. I know that there are doctors that dont care for the ACA, and some wont accept it period. But once they start to work on you there is no excuse for faulty care. Seek legal advice.
Kay Ziehr
I have been met with the same disdain for myself and my daughter. In 2007 I was diagnosed with severe spinal stynosis,degenerative disc disease,hurniated and protruding discs. I recieved treatment meds,therapy for years. Until I needed a referral for my annual mri’s. Headaches from an undiagnosed shoulder injury had bloomed into 72 hour long mind numbing blurry existance. Enter Obama ins, my dr of 7 years dismissed me. The pain clinic recieved a report read by what I can only assume was the evening custodial staff. I compared my 1st set of mri reports, they are nothing more than a disgusting tribute to ?vendiction? I’ve neve filed for disability I don’t understand the rude uncaring, uncooperative uncaring attitude of the medical community. Asurgeon asked for clearance to administer a local during surgery, the dr refused. Imatrex is useless my dr said that’s the only headache aide available. I no this is a blatent lie. Even though I was diagnosed and treated for years with meds of course, there was never a question of me mistaking them,I spoke in depth with the prescribing dr’s office manager. Christmas eve 2014 I fell my right hip was pushed forward an 11/2 my scaitia nerve became unbearable. Pain across my stomach my leg low back calve top of my right foot to my stomach. I did’nt no physical pain could be so horrid. Emeegency room did xrays not broken , sterroids muscle relaxers,I’ve never been to an er for pain. I’ll only go if I’m in an accident or unconscieous. My treatment or lack there of is stealing time from my family, made to feel like any question no matter it’s importance is a bother. Inaccurate OARRS report ,medical records my complaints unheard. Two specialists asked my dr why I could’nt have an order fir a tens unit, he said oh no those will cost insurance to much. Mind you I could not grocery shop it was so bad. The tens unit that alliws me reprieve was $36.00 I have filed my complaints. That will not fix the shame I was made to feel at merely trying to be a positive functioning citizen. My daughters concerns were ignored by said dr once. My child will not be shamed, I had far better care with zero insurance. Not everyone that took or takes pain meds is addicted. Or an abuser of any kind. That is the final insult. While narcotics might be a huge issue for some , I don’t understand the like for a pill that has always made me sick. I can sympathize and understand completely the loss of mobility constant pain changes literally your nueroreceptors. Thought processes. GMA ran a good weeks segment on chronic pain. What do you do when you don’t no where to advocate for yourself,faking I never would have even had the inclination.
There is no simple answer, but here is one idea. You should have more than one doctor or hospital in your network. You can simply try finding another healthcare provider in your area. It is unlikely that an entire hospital or practice has uniformly decided to discriminate against an insurance type, more likely that you are just not meshing well with the doctor you are seeing. Just make sure if you choose another doctor you double check that they are in your network.