ObamaCare: 10 Million Strong and Growing

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ObamaCare sign up numbers reach 10 million after a surge in Federal Marketplace enrollments.
A February 2015 HHS report shows ObamaCare is working. Enrollment numbers have surpassed 10 million between the state and federal marketplaces.
It also points out some other really cool and groundbreaking facts about the uninsured rate (updated with citations on March 18 2015). Here are the facts from the report:
- There has been an historic decrease in the uninsured. In just one year we’ve reduced the number of uninsured by about 10 million people. Meanwhile, nearly 11.7 million Americans nationwide selected Marketplace plans or were automatically re-enrolled as of Feb. 22, 2015.
- More Americans have access to Medicaid coverage. Twenty-eight states plus DC have expanded Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. As another indicator of progress: Since October 2013, more than 10 million more Americans are enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP.
- Millions of Americans who already had insurance have seen their coverage improve because they now have access to preventive services like vaccines, cancer screenings, and yearly wellness visits at no out-of-pocket cost. In addition, Americans cannot be denied or dropped from coverage because of a pre-existing condition or because they hit an annual or lifetime cap in benefits.
- Because of the Affordable Care Act, health care is finally affordable for millions of Americans and their families: More than half of consumers who are signed up for 2015 Marketplace coverage selected a plan with a monthly premium of $100 or less after tax credits, and about 8 in 10 of these individuals had the option of selecting such a plan. Before the Affordable Care Act, consumers on the individual market often were subject to double-digit rate increases. On average, Marketplace premiums are seeing only modest increases.
- The vast majority – 87 percent – of individuals who are signed up through HealthCare.gov qualify for financial assistance. Almost 7.7 million individuals in the 37 states using the HealthCare.gov platform qualified for an average of $263 per person/month in advanced premium tax credits.
- Insurers have decided that the Marketplace is a good place to do business and as a result, consumers have more choices. Twenty-five percent more issuers have joined the Marketplace, and consumers can choose from an average of 40 health plans, which is up from 30 in 2014.
- Consumers have saved $9 billion since 2011, because the law requires insurance companies to spend at least 80 cents of every dollar on consumers’ health care and empowers states to review and negotiate premium increases.
- Millions of seniors are saving billions of dollars on prescription drugs: 9.4 million seniors and people with disabilities have saved over $15 billion on their prescription drugs since 2010 – an average of $1,598 per beneficiary.
- Taxpayers are benefitting as costs and spending are held down. Last year, health care spending grew at the slowest rate on record (since 1960). Meanwhile, health care price inflation is at its lowest rate in 50 years.
- And as we build a better, smarter, healthier delivery system, we have seen a historic slowdown in the growth of health care costs that is generating savings for workers, business, and taxpayers. Slow growth in the cost of health care has continued, with health care price inflation remaining at low levels not seen in decades, employer premium growth tying record lows, and Medicare spending per beneficiary essentially unchanged in fiscal year 2014.
- Americans say they like their Marketplace coverage. A Gallup study found that 7 in 10 who signed up for Marketplace insurance during last Open Enrollment say the quality is excellent or good.
- At the same time, fewer Americans are losing their lives or falling ill due to hospital-acquired conditions, like pressure ulcers, central line associated infections, and falls and traumas – which are down 17 percent since 2010. Preliminary data show that between 2010 and 2013, there was a decrease in these conditions by more than 1.3 million events. As a result, 50,000 fewer people lost their lives, and there were $12 billion in cost savings.
- And, fewer of our parents and grandparents are being unnecessarily readmitted to the hospital: Between 2012 and 2013, readmissions among Medicare beneficiaries were driven down by 150,000.
Content created by Assist. Sec./Public Affairs – Digital Communications Division
Scott McCoy
I really am tired of politicians, special interest groups, lobbyists and the media spinning (basically lying about) the facts. Both the left and right do it which makes it almost impossible to understand any issue. FACT – My insurance costs increased almost 50% this year (due to Obama care) after being static for last 5 years. I participate in a savings plan insurance program issued by my employer where I get my annual physical and preventive care paid for and then have a sizable deductible for major health care services ($2500). However, my company contributes $1000 each year which goes into a saving account that applies toward that deductible and other out-of-pocket costs. When I had major surgery last year my saving account covered all my cost with some left over. This program is simple, straight forward and easy to understand. In the worst case scenario, I’m out $2500 plus 10% of any service up to a maximum out-of-pocket of $5000/year. I take good care of my self – I exercise daily and eat responsibly and have yet to pay any extra health care cost (other than my monthly contribution which was less than $45 – its now almost $70) in the 10 years I’ve been on this plan. Why can’t our national health plan be like this?
J Royer
I think you are full of sh**. My insurance has gone up 86.8% in the last 5 years and Now I a have chosen to drop out and only cover my family. I pray to god if i get sick – I kills me quick so they have a future.
Paul Kovach
Forcing 87% of people to buy something that has to be financial assisted, that’s not affordable that’s a lie! Obamacare is awesome if you don’t have a job, income, or cant be financially responsible. But it’s shitty to think I work, make ok money, and I pay $360 a month, but the bum on the corner, the prisoner in jail, the illegal immigrant, and the family with 6 kids and no income, has better, more affordable health ins as me is BS!
Fudge the middle class!
Charles Rauch
I just received a letter from my insurance company. My renew date is April 1, 2016. My premium for my family go from $697.64 to $888.74. To me this is not affordable. Other insurance plans my broker sent for me to review are even higher than my current plan. My plan has a deductible of $3,000. The new premiums for a year are $10,664.88. My annual income will be about $70,000. Your facts are not correct. My numbers are real life facts. My premiums are more than 15% of my income.
ObamaCareFacts.comThe Author
You may be misreading how the law works, it’s 8% per person for the lowest cost plan. Also at $70,000 you may qualify for marketplace cost assistance (depending on family size). Check out the exemptions list and subsidies page.
Susan McKercher
A young person who can no longer be on parent’s insurance who can’t afford housing due to low income, no roomates available, etc. CANNOT get a subsidy because they must include the income of every family member in household in their application! BOGUS!
ObamaCareFacts.comThe Author
When you apply for coverage you should include people who are both in your tax family on the application. So this is a person who will file taxes together with you typically this is head of household, spouse, and tax dependents (typically children). This is a tax filing choice made by families, not by Healthcare.Gov. If you live at home, but aren’t part of your parents “tax family” (you won’t file with them) than it doesn’t matter that you live with them for the purposes of receiving a Premium Tax Credit, out-of-pocket assistance, or Medicaid.
Sandra Sanchez
I came to the website to look for further information as to why the ACA gets negative attention?
In 2014, I had signed up my 64 year old Mother for “Obamacare.” She had been without insurance for 2 years and she hadn’t reached the retiring age and wasn’t eligible for Medicare. However, she couldn’t work full time because she has arthiritis in a knee. Insurance companies were charging over $800 a month for a minimum insurance policy. This was because she has high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and suffers from anxiety. Let alone because she is an elder woman. My Mother has always lived and maintained a healthy life style. She is a very petite lady and weighs 114 pounds. But as most women- the title of being a Mother, Wife, Aunt, Sister, Grandmother, friend, etc. she is constantly worrying about the well being of others. Hence the chronic diseases- all which were developed at a later age and are hereditary.
The 2 years she wasn’t insured, she wouldn’t get well check ups and abstained from visiting doctors. She didn’t want to put a strain on my Father as he too is retired but receiving Medicare because he does meet the age criteria. I was able to get information of a non profit organization were several services my Mother needed could be carried out.
My parents have been living in the USA for over forty years. They became US citizens in the eighties and my Father opened up his business shortly after following his dream. We have had a Prosperous business until 2001 but managed to make it through. However, the Recession of 2007/2008 really hit the family business hard. I had never seen my Father worry so much about money and how he was going to pay this or that. The small business insurance policy my father used to get for him and my Mom had to end. It was either his or my Mom’s. He decided to continue paying my Mom’s and let his go. This was a huge blow to his ego let alone the feeling that he had let his wife down.
Fast forward a few years later and the nervousness we felt signing up for ACA. My mother only needed ACA for one year. We selected an insurance that had higher monthly premiums but fantastic coverages. When we called to cancel the insurance instead of renewing, the process was seamless and self explanatory. I liked how you had Spanish speaking reps (although my Mom doesn’t like to call for “those things”) and they were knowledgable of what the next step would be for my mom to apply for Medicare.
Since I had helped my mom with her application, she started referring people to me to help them out. My brother who has NEVER had insurance now does ( he’s 40). Several of my cousins, neighbors, etc I have even been able to push people to look into it. They have said, ” I’ve heard Obamacare is really expensive..” I’ve replied,”no, it depends on the policy and insurance company you choose. If you are constantly sick and go to the doctors office a lot, you might want lower co-pays. If you want insurance for those just in case moments and you hardly get sick, you might want a policy that fits you. But you choose what you need and what you could afford. Something is better than nothing. If you haven’t been to the website, don’t take other people’s words until you see for yourself.”
Anyhow, I’m really glad that the court was able to review and stand by it. I wanted to get further information as to why so many people are against it and say it’s costing the country so much money. Is it from the tax credit? Because if this is what they are complaining about, I believe having more people on Medicaid that could potentially be eligible for ACA is saving more money in the long run.
Besides, insurances are still getting business, doctors are still being employed, pharmacy companies are still providing meds. Is it because they are not getting a bigger piece of it?
Thank you for pushing this through! My family are hard workers. We have never asked for any hand outs from any body. My Father worked very hard to support 7 children and we never were on welfare or anything. He always instilled on us To work hard for what we wanted.
This year our business has been picking up a lot! We have been able to double our employees. We see people out shopping for higher priced items and going out more. My parents have been able to take more vacations and visit my sisters in North Carolina and California.
This is a sign of the right direction. Thank you!
You received this gift from others who have real health care plans. Increased price on others. Thanks very much
Jacquie Pinkowski
I would like to know where I might locate the sources for the information you have provided.
Jacquie Pinkowski DNP(c), FNP, RN
ObamaCareFacts.comThe Author
The information on this page comes from an HHS facts sheet: http://www.hhs.gov/healthcare/facts/factsheets/2014/10/affordable-care-act-is-working.html
In that fact sheet you’ll find citations for every fact, typically ASPE reports like this one: http://aspe.hhs.gov/health/reports/2015/premiumReport/healthPremium2015.pdf
We went back to this page and included the citations (as in-text links) here as well so moving forward no one will have to take the extra step of looking at the HHS factsheet unless they want to. We realize this may have been confusing.