When Does Next Obamacare Enrollment Start?

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I missed my chance to enroll in Obamacare for 2015 because of my lack of English ability and somehow I did not get the information about it.
When does next Obamacare start and how do I know it?
How can I get alternative insurance until that time?
my sons insurance fund coverage will not cover his liver transplant
how can he get coverage for this $$$$ costly procedue thru ACA?
The affordable care act offers assistance on private health insurance, you can appeal an insurers refusal of a service with the insurer, but you can only get a marketplace plan during open enrollment. That said, in states with Medicaid for low incomes Medicaid can be an option for someone who can’t afford medical bills and would have a low income.
The problem with the current healthcare system is there isn’t one answer for a question like this, it depends on the current plan, income, and the state you live in.
I would however suggest contacting healthcare.gov for direction.
Michelle Anderson
I did not find my questions. I am recently divorced, my ex husband was paying for our policy. When I went to get a refill of medication I was told I do not have coverage. Since the divorce I do not have any policy number or access to the account. I have tried to apply for MEDI CAL and was told I DO have coverage. Can you help me with this asap?
This is a question for HealthCare.Gov or Covered Ca by extension. You should call them immediately and coordinate with your ex. Tax credits in regards to divorce are one of the more complicated pieces and there are a few rules associated.
Anna Smith Fraser
My son’s insurance with terminate with his employer, due to his letting go, on February 1st. Can we then apply after February 1 to gain Obamacare without paying the fee?
Enroll up to 30 days before he loses coverage for coverage starting at or around the day he loses coverage.
So sign up and enroll for coverage now that starts ASAP. (likely the coverage will start Mar 1st as Feb 1st is very close).
When can my son expect his insurance card he enrolled by dec. 15 /2015
You can always call the insurer and follow up. It should never take too long, don’t have an exact answer though.