Am i Eligible for Health Insurance?

I’m American 66 years old and still employed making USD $58,000 a year.

In perfect health but a screening found a growth on pancreas over four years ago. MRI have shown no activity and fare to assume its non malignant. However insurance companies won’t touch me.

Can i apply for obama care?

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I am 68 years old and just resently released from incarceration. My birth date is June 8th of 1952. I just got my Social Security retirement benefits started and was told that I could not get Medicare until next July, not this year but next year. I am insulin and medication dependent and my T.D.C.J. supplies are running low. Is there advise and a program for me? I will be recieving my first S/S check in about a week. I need help and proper advise.


I would contact ( right away. This will help you understand all of your options. These may include free coverage from Medicaid in your state.


Am I covered and how much will it cost

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