Medicare Part F (Medigap) vs. Medicare Advantage.

What is Plan F, Plan G, and Medigap?

Once you have Medicare Part A and B, you can buy either Part D along with a Medigap Plan F or Plan G or a Medicare Advantage Plan. We discuss your options.

A Medigap Plan F

  • Covers the Part A hospital and Part B outpatient deductibles
  • Covers your 20% Part B co-pay
  • Covers Part B excess charges
  • Does not have a network. You can see any doctor
  • Does not require referrals
  • Is guaranteed renewable

Medigap plans can be Part F or Part G. You are responsible for your Part B deductible with Plan G plans.

Neither Medigap Plan covers prescriptions. Only Medicare Part D or a Medicare Advantage plan will do that.

Note: You could purchase a Medicare Advantage Plan instead, but you cannot have both an advantage plan and a Medigap plan.

What is Medicare Advantage?

A Medicare Advantage Plan

  • Covers Parts A, B, and, usually, prescription drug benefits
  • Has an agreed-upon deductible
  • Has co-pays
  • Has a provider network and drug formulary
  • Usually involves a smaller out-of-pocket expense than Original Medicare
  • Has to be re-assessed every year during open enrollment as companies may change their plans from year to year.

Neither Medigap nor Advantage Plans cover dental, vision, or hearing except in specific medical circumstances.

To have comprehensive coverage, Original Medicare Parts A and B should be supplemented by either

  1. With Part D (prescription drug coverage) and Medigap Plan F or G or
  2. With a Medicare Advantage Plan

Author: Linda DeSolla Price

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