Obama Health Care Reform Helps Seniors

Obama’s health care reform (ObamaCare) has made Medicare Stronger and has put money back into the pockets of Seniors.
Health Care reform will greatly improve coverage for Seniors. ObamaCare improves Medicare and Medicaid to help seniors get access to better health coverage and decreases their out of pocket costs.
“Prior to 2011, people on Medicare faced paying for preventive benefits like cancer screenings and cholesterol checks out of their own pockets. Now, these benefits are offered free of charge to beneficiaries.”, according to The Secretary of Health and Human Services, Secretary Kathleen Sebelious
(HealthCare Reform Image Public Domain)
“Over time, the health reform law also closes the gap in prescription drug coverage, known as the “donut hole.” This helps seniors like Helen Rayon: “I am a grandmother who is trying to assist a grandson with his education. I take seven different medications. Getting the donut hole closed, that gives me a little more money in my pocket.”
- In 2010 and 2011, over 5.1 million people on Medicare saved ove r3.4 billion on prescription drugs in the donut hole. In the first three months of 2012 alone, more than 220,000 people have saved184.5 million – an average of 837 a person so far this year.
- In the first three months of 2012, 8.9 million beneficiaries on traditional Medicare received at least one free preventive service. This includes over 560,000 who have taken advantage of the Annual Wellness Visit – a new benefit that allows patients to meet with their doctors once a year to develop and update a personalized prevention plan. In 2011, over 32.5 million beneficiaries in traditional Medicare received one or more preventive benefit free of charge.According to Secretary Sebelius, “These new benefits will strengthen over time. In the coming years, the automatic discount on drugs in the donut hole will expand, and by 2020 the donut hole will be closed completely. And Medicare is growing stronger in other ways as well. Doctors and hospitals are beginning to receive new incentives to provide better care to patients, reducing infections that patients receive in the hospital, improving patient safety and lowering costs. The new law also invests more resources in fighting Medicare fraud, to protect the trust fund, and keep Medicare secure for longer.””Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, seniors and people with disabilities are enjoying a Medicare program that is stronger and working better for Helen, and others all across the country.”http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sec-kathleen-sebelius/the-affordable-care-act_b_1462694.htmlThe truth is ObamaCare helps seniors and expands their coverage while offering them extra protections. Don’t be fooled by the anti-Obamacare rhetoric, Medicare and Medicaid expansion and reform is all about helping out seniors by providing them with quality affordable health care.
The Affordable Care Act has Saved Seniors Billions