Obamacare to Trumpcare- A Personal Story

From the editor: The user illustrates how some people would save money under the AHCA/TrumpCare (like older Americans, sick Americans, and those who qualify for assistance), while others like younger Americans would save. This is generally accurate, but there are other considerations (see AHCA summary). The bottom line is: some stand to get more and others stand to lose.
My father’s household-…
4 people 50k a year
Ages and sex: 51 M,48F, 23M, 19F pregnant
Location: Sacramento, CA
Current ACA silver plan: $279 w/ subsidy
New premium under AHCA: $458 w/ tax credit.
He has type 1 diabetes. Kaiser released an article in 2010 stating high risk premiums were 125-200% higher, or $531 to $916.
His best case scenario, $458, is a 64% increase in monthly premiums. This is 11% of his gross income.
My Household-
2 person household, 110k a year
Age and sex: 31M, 30F
Location: Sacramento, CA
Current silver plan premium $720, no subsidy due to income.
New AHCA premium: $303 after tax credits.
This is a 57% price drop and this is 3.3% of my yearly income.
I would love the opportunity to calculate this for other people currently on the affordable care act, at no cost. This is very important.
Sources used- healthcare.gov, coveredca.com, AHCA H.R. 1628 Report No. 115-52 page 89 found here https://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/BILLS-115hr1628rh/pdf/BILLS-115hr1628rh.pdf
KFF article “High-Risk Pools for Uninsurable Individuals: Recent Growth, Future Prospects”
Barbara Dadswell
This is some great information on the actual policy cost and if I am reading this correctly your father is paying a much larger amount with less coverage (check the details on the policy cuts for coverage being purposed). Not only will people with existing illnesses be charged more per month they will also have a greater out-of-pocket expense due to cuts in coverage. There is a lot more to the changes than just month to month premiums.