Clinton vs Trump on the Issues

How to Decide Between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump
Here is a side-by-side comparison of Hillary Clinton Vs. Donald Trump on the issues to help you tell the difference between Trump and Clinton. The goal is a simple and honest breakdown of where the 2016 Presidential candidates stand on social, economic, international, and domestic issues.
FACT: Trump is often accused of having no policy experince, this is somewhat true (especially compared to Clinton who was a political civil rights lawyer, First lady of Arkansa and the U.S., senator of New York, and Secretary of State), however Trump ran for President in 2000 as part of the Reform Party (where his stance was generally more libertarian and less right-wing).
TIP: You can pair our breakdown of Clinton V. Trump with this Yuge list from, this Tremendous, Really Folks, list from, or this Amazing, Fantastic, list from This list is created using the Really, Really, Great, Trust Me, You’ll Love it list, from
TIP: To keep this list practical and manageable we have not included Senator Sanders (who we fully support on many policies such as universal healthcare). We have also excluded potential Candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein. See Sander’s on the issues, Stein on the issues, and Johnson on the issues.
How Clinton and Trump Compare on the Issues
Below we look at Clinton V. Trump on Domestic Issues, Social Issues, International Issues, and Economic Issues. We will be adding to this list over time.
To start lets just break down the basics:
- Clinton: A pro-social justice, pro-business, pro-worker’s rights, and pro-social program social liberal on social issues (“neoliberal” on economic issues) who believes that government works. She favors globalization and military. A career politician with a “pretty good” record running as a Democrat. Over-qualified to be president, but seen as part of “the corrupt establishment”.
- Trump: A pro-business, small government, neocon/libertarian running on an anti-social liberalism, pro-nationalism, and nativist message. He has little policy experince, but has experince running companies and political campaigns. Under-qualified to be president, but seen as a Washington outsider and maverick (despite his often forgotten 2000 run and his many years in a government-like role of elite %1-er from NYC).
RULES: Citations are included and no rhetoric and opinions allowed (unless that is rhetoric originating with said politician). 2016 policies will be focused on, but we will include previous stances on issues such as Trump’s 2000 stances and Clinton’s stances from her long political career.
The Issues | Hillary Clinton (Democrat) | The Difference | Donald Trump (Republican) |
Gun Control and Gun Rights | Favors both gun ownership and gun control, supports background checks, closing loopholes, and a ban list. Says gun laws are effective. Supports both the Second and a ban of military style weapons, but not a full ban. “We must keep guns out of the hands of terrorists, domestic abusers, other violent criminals, and the severely mentally ill.” (source)(source) | Clinton favors gun control (collective rights) over gun rights (individual rights). Donald takes the opposite stance. Despite differences, both take a centered position that respect gun rights and gun control. | Favors gun ownership over gun control, supports background checks (but not increased checks) and a ban list, but says gun laws are ineffective in preventing gun violence and doesn’t support an assault weapons ban. “We have a HUGE mental health problem, but … i’m a big Second Amendment person. As an example, for the horrible thing that just took place in Oregon had somebody in that room had a gun, the result would have been better.” (source)(source)(source) |
Crime | Supports “being tough on crime” and thinks the death penalty is appropriate in heinous situations. The Clinton’s passed the 94 crime bill which unfairly targeted low income urban demographics, but also helped lower crime and included an assault weapon ban. In 2016 she wants to address systemic racism and rebuild trust between communities and police. By supporting pro-marijuana laws she is also taking a step back on the war on drugs. “We have systemic racism and in particular, in our justice system that must be addressed. We have to reform our criminal justice system and we have to find ways to bring law enforcement together with the communities they are sworn to protect. Trust has been totally lost in a lot of places. We need to get a bipartisan commitment to work on this.”(source) | Clinton used to be tough on crime, Trump had been more libertarian in the past. Today Clinton is addressing social justice issues, while Trump wants to get more tough on violent crime rather than gun control (which is likely to impact urban environments and lead to more imprisonment). | Also supports a “tough on crime” stance and favors the death penalty. Generally Trump favors strict sentences and getting tougher on crime. “We have to get a lot tougher [on violent crime], especially in cities… drug crime a more difficult issue.” (source)(source) |
Drugs | Been anti-legalization in the past, but is currently supporting marijuana rights (including states-rights and recreational legalization). She doesn’t use drugs (no comment on Bill), but she isn’t as anti-alcohol and drugs personally as Trump. She also wants to end the harsh sentences on crack (vs. powder concern) and supports addressing the opiate crisis. The 94′ crime bill was “harsh” on urban drug use and crime, but her 2016 stance is much more socially liberal. “So, I think we’re just at the beginning, but I agree completely with the idea that we have got to stop imprisoning people who use marijuana. Therefore, we need more states, cities, and the federal government to begin to address this so that we don’t have this terrible result of a huge population in our prisons for nonviolent, low-level offenses that are primarily due to marijuana.” (source) | Both Clinton and Trump are generally anti-drug use, but pro medical marijuana. Clinton currently favors legalization and states rights and addressing unfair sentencing, Trump doesn’t… however Trump has favored total legalization in the past, where Clinton has cracked down on drug crimes. So Trump has gotten tougher and Clinton more lenient. | Been pro-legalization in the past, but is personally anti-drugs and alcohol. Currently does not take a pro marijuana rights stance, although he has hinted he has opinions on the matter. He supports states-rights with medical marijuana. “We don’t want to build walls. We don’t want to do anything. And if you’re not going to want to do the policing, you’re going to have to start thinking about other alternatives. But it’s not something that I would want to do.” (source) |
Healthcare | Hillary Clinton supported a single payer opinion in the past and helped establish CHIP and other reforms, but today she supports reforming and improving the Affordable Care Act. She generally supports subsidization, taxation, and regulation in healthcare (seeking positive reform in all healthcare sectors like women’s rights, costs, and drug prices). Her goal is to have every American covered, and believes the ACA can get it done (but ahem, we know it can’t as is). She takes a pro-private market stance (part of why we won’t get 100%). “If you don’t start out trying to get universal health care, we know–and our members of Congress know–you’ll never get there. If a Democrat doesn’t stand for universal health care that includes every single American, you can see the consequences of what that will mean…. I am not giving up; and I’m not going to start out leaving 15 million Americans out of health care.” (Hillary’s 2008 position, according to the CBO about 20 million will remain uninsured under the ACA even at full expansion). “Hillary has never given up on the fight for universal coverage—and she won’t stop now. Building on the Affordable Care Act to expand coverage for millions of Americans.” (Hillary’s 2016 stance). (source)(source)(source) | Clinton is running on Obama’s ACA, Trump is running against it. Neither has taken a stance outside of party lines, so the difference between the hopefuls is the same as the ongoing debate since 2009. With that said, Hillary has hinted that she wants universal coverage as an end goal (despite her convention nominees being reluctant to include universal or single payer related language). | Trump wants to repeal the ACA, and implement the long standing GOP healthcare plan. This is one area where Trump has disbanded any of his own views to tow the party line. Although he did hint that he supported Medicaid expansion at one point. (source)(source) |
Jobs | Clinton aims to up tax relief and create jobs by continuing the successful (despite the talking points) increases to jobs. She wants to invest in infrastructure, clean energy, and scientific and medical research to strengthen our economy and growth. She seeks an increase to the federal minimum wage and generally supports unions. She is generally friendly to the working class and labor, although her pro-globalization stance means pro-American businesses, trade deals, and likely tax increases.(source) | Clinton wants to use government, globalization, and grassroots groups (including unions) to ensure prosperity. Trump wants to bring jobs home and “let the free market handle it”. Trump wants less taxes and regulations for the business class, Clinton wants globalization, but a government enforced fair shake for the working class. | Trump has created many jobs, but his policies are all Libertarian or Republican. That means he favors lower taxes, but in trade he is anti-union, anti-minimum wage, and anti-globalization. He wants to bring jobs home and then build a wall to keep illegal foreign labor out.(source) |
Civil Rights | Clinton is very pro civil rights, she has a long history of fighting for women’s rights and the rights of any minority. Despite the advances she has made, her positions have changed over time. Today she is pro-LGBT, but that wasn’t always completely true. Still, her long “pretty good” record is no small matter despite the points that come off poorly today. She strongly supports social justice.(source) | If the race was on Civil Rights alone we would likely choose the Civil Rights lawyer over the loud mouthed misogynist. Still, if we forgive Trump for his rhetoric, we find a nativist sentiment that resonates with large portions of the white male population. | Trump wants to ban Mexicans and Muslims and increase punishment for violent and drug crimes in urban areas. He is against affirmative action, but promotes gender equality despite his frequent misogynistic statements. His plain speak shouldn’t always be interpreted as a policy stance, some of his policy is more centered than his tone suggests. (source) |
Environment | Clinton believes the data behind of climate change and sees the environment as one of the key issues of modern times. She is constantly in favor of using government to regulate bad environmental business practices and promote positive ones. She favors cap and trade and clean energy investments.(source) | Clinton believes the science and thinks government needs to protect the people and the environment. Trump thinks government needs to get out of the way. Both have compassion for animals. | Trump denies climate change and wants government off the back of business. Trump is pro eminent domain, anti-EPA, but is notably against trophy hunting and is pro animal-rights.(source) |
TIP: This list will be created over the next few days. We are opening up the draft to the public for insight and feedback. Comment below.
As you can see from the chart below (source) it is still anyone’s game.
Nora Stoppard
Hello,my name is nora stoppard and wanted to know if hillary clinton is for the rfd chipping and the late term abortion act. thank you
ObamaCareFacts.comThe Author
The RFID chip thing is a flat out myth, the late term abortion thing is more complicated. It is referring to life-or-death situations for the mother.
Fil Kegley
I have a question for both candidates: I can I get a somewhat stanard healthcare insurance? I am 60, wife is 52, both in very good health. Insurance policy runs $1579 monthly, $18978 annually. Add the $12,000 deductible=$30,978 annually. Let’s not forget that these are after tax dollars so actually I have to make around $38,000 to pay an annual amount of $18,978. Could either candidate explain how in the world can I pay for an afford healthcare now?
D Allen
I fail to see where the “facts” are factual. This site seems heavily biased. My Health insurance costs (both monthly and deductible) tripled shortly after this bill was pushed on Americans. Most recently my private insurance was cancelled, so as of December 31, 2016, I am uninsured.
I met with an insurance broker to seek options. I was told Insurance companies (both non-profit and for-profit) have found it impossible to keep up with the ever-growing regulations that are being imposed.
Jonathan Gruber, the primary architect of ObamaCare (aka, unaffordable care act) admitted “the legislation was intentionally complex and misleading in order to pass Congress and elicit limited outrage from the “stupid” American public.”
The true reason for this act was NOT to help any American it was to push an agenda. Create civil unrest to divide the nation, take away free speech, push for gun control, purchase the majority of ammunition, seize health care and create a new world order to benefit politicians, NOT “WE THE PEOPLE”.
Of course there isn’t a liberal in the country that will believe this although it is so blatantly obvious to those of us that approach live with an open mind and willingness to research rather than believing everything the Government and Main Stream Media spews.