More Americans Approve of Subsidies Than Not

More Americans approve of ObamaCare’s subsidies than not with 55% against repealing subsidies according to a Washington Post poll and our own polls.
The Washington Post released the results of a poll in May 2015 where they asked about overall approval ratings for the ACA and subsidies. Although general approval was only at 54% for the ACA, 55% of people polled thought that the Supreme Court should allow subsidies to remain legal.
We ( had done a poll of our users in late 2014 which showed much of the same thing. In our poll roughly 49% of people polled showed support for subsidies, 25% wanted them to be made illegal, and 25% said didn’t have enough information.
Our findings on general sentiment toward the ACA were also similar (although we gave people a lot of room to explain exactly how they felt about the law). You can see pie chart of overall feelings from our poll below, but to sum things up only 37% of those polled actually felt the Affordable Care Act should be completely repealed. (You can see the full results of the poll here, we left most of the raw data including NSFW comments in the report. See overall approvals on page 12 of our ACA poll results.)
This is important as the Supreme Court is expected to rule on King V Burwell this month. King V Burwell is a lawsuit which charges that states that didn’t set up their own health insurance exchange under the law shouldn’t be allowed to have the IRS issue subsidies on their behalf. That is the gist, you can get a simplified overview of everything you need to know about King V Burwell here.