9.5 Million Enrolled in ObamaCare

According to HHS 9.5 million are enrolled in ObamaCare’s State and Federal Marketplaces as of January 16th, 2015. This includes 7.16 million on HealthCare.Gov and 2.4 million in state-based exchanges.
Goals for enrollment were 9.1 million, so it is encouraging to see the goal surpassed with two weeks to go until the end of open enrollment on February 15th, 2015.
Below are some key findings from the report entitled “Nationwide 9.5 million consumers are signed up for Health Insurance Marketplace coverage“:
Detailed findings for the 37 states using the HealthCare.gov enrollment platform:
Through Jan. 16, 7.16 million people selected or were automatically reenrolled in a plan in the 37 states that are using the HealthCare.gov platform for 2015, including Oregon and Nevada. Of those:
- 87 percent selected a plan with financial assistance;
- 35 percent or 2.5 million were under 35 years of age; and
- 58 percent (4.16 million) reenrolled in a Marketplace plan and 42 percent (3 million) selected a plan for the first time.
Detailed findings for the 14 states using state-based Marketplace enrollment platforms:
In the 14 states that are operating their own Marketplace platform for 2015, 2.4 million consumers selected or were automatically reenrolled in plans. Of those:
- Approximately 300,000 Marketplace plan selections in are in the four states reporting data on new consumers and consumers actively reenrolling in Marketplace coverage (Hawaii, Idaho, Maryland, and Massachusetts); and
- Nearly 2.1 million Marketplace plan selections are in the 10 states reporting data on new enrollees, consumers actively reenrolling in Marketplace coverage, and automatic reenrollees (California, Colorado, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Kentucky, Minnesota, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington).
The states of California (1.2 million) and Florida (nearly 1.3 million) have had the highest plan selections to date.