Electronic Health Records (EHR) Hurts Doctors?

Electronic Health Records (EHR) Hurts Doctors?  This Argument is a Fail, Much Like Alabama’s refusal to expand Medicaid.

A recent video complains that electronic health records (EHR) mandated by the ACA hurts doctors.  But, in reality EHR improves healthcare drastically.

The the video Mo Brooks complains that having to keep digital records (EHR) and use a common coding system (ICD 10) is expensive and is slowing down doctors and costing them unaffordable amounts of money.  It’s so bad that doctors are quitting.

The thing is, that as we move into 2015 the idea that all of our medical records are in paper folders and need to be faxed around to all our healthcare providers is insane. Keeping a uniform digital system means that when you show up in an out-of-state emergency room the people treating you know everything they need to know instantly, it means when you see a new doctor you aren’t playing scavenger hunt and missing important medical records, it means using our technology to advance healthcare delivery and improve efficiency.

Yes, this new system costs money (about $50,000 over 5 years to implement and support, not $100,000 upfront as suggested in the video).  Yes, this system takes extra time… but we argue the ends really do justify the means.

I recently saw a doctor for a check-up, using “my ObamaCare insurance”.  The schedule was booked so I waited a little longer for an appointment then I had in the past and when I was in the office it took about 5 more minutes then i’d expected due to the new system. So this much is true, but subtract from this the major pains both I and my docs have had over the years faxing papers back and forth and missing vital information that had even in the past resulted in inaccurate diagnosis. A little time upfront, saves a lot of time moving forward and more importantly leads to better healthcare for all of us.

Mo should focus on his state, rather than try to score points by attacking the ACA. Alabama refused to expand Medicaid and have seen the second lowest decline in uninsured in the country at only -0.53%. Maybe docs would have had more patients to treat if Alabama’s leaders supported reform, perhaps this would have offset the extra time and costs necessary for joining the rest of us here the future where we use technology for the purposes of improving patient care.

Author: Thomas DeMichele

Thomas DeMichele is the head writer and founder of ObamaCareFacts.com, FactsOnMedicare.com, and other websites. He has been in the health insurance and healthcare information field since 2012. ObamaCareFacts.com is a...

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Obama’s strategic platform for EHR regulatory mandates achieved special interest corporate support of Obama’s political aspirations, but at a cost of harmfully disrupting America’s actual health care delivery.

Flawed, hackable, counter-productive, medically unsophisticated and expensive corporate electronic medical vendor wares were misrepresented as ready for the launching of mandatory electronic health record systems (EHRs). Consumption of corporate EHR wares, devoid of liability for product defects, was legislatively forced upon America’s over-regulated and financially burdened physician workforce.

Obama’s regulatory mandates for electronic health records systems were launched in advance of application readiness, interoperability and in advance of the technology needed for secure electronic patient data. Millions of electronic patient records have been hacked since Obamacare mandated EHRs.



Corporate “Coverage” is NOT health care! Repeal Abomination-Care!


I am a medical doctor and I have first hand knowledge of the impact of Obamacare EHR mandates upon America’s health care providers and patients.

Obama-care’s EHR predominantly functions fas an expensive insurance claims platform which expands non-medical access to sensitive patient details, tellingly geared toward denial of coverage of medical services and benefits. The wrong people are accessing sensitive medical information of Obamacare’s EHRs and for all the wrong reasons. Obama’s administration even opened up access of mental health records to law enforcement! This is the most extreme form of profiling, prejudice and catastrophic betrayal by the Obama administration. Stigmatic breeching of the confidential records of patients who have sought mental health care is ignorant, hateful, cruel and shamefully biased.

Obamacare’s mandate to implement expensive and flawed EHR software was recklessly launched in advance of the technology needed for EHR security. How can Obama’s administration defend the widespread hacking and epic breaches of America’s most sensitive patient information which resulted from mandated utilization of flawed corporate EHR wares? Millions of EHR records have been hacked, exposing those patients to identity theft and impersonations of American citizenry. In spite of this, Obama ignored the issue of electronic hacking until hacking impacted his own party’s Presidential candidate of 2016.

Corporate access to subscriber’s medical data insinuated illegitimate corporate medical authority over the doctor-patient relationship, resulting in non-payment of medical services from second guessing treatment by non-medical administrators. Medical practices were
subsequently subjected to bankruptcy. One submitted, this electronic data is utilized primarily for claims denials by corporate payors, NOT for the benefit of any patient’s medical care, medical research or for saving the rain forest. The mandate for America’s medical practices to purchase and upkeep flawed EHR software was launched in advance of EHR software interoperability for communicating with the patient’s other physicians and bona-fide medical researchers.

Indentured servitude of physicians to electronic records serves corporate health insurer’s cost reduction, but coverage costs to patient actually increased. The countless hours of daily non-reimbursable EHR labors are so onerous that many doctors chose early retirement to avoid such enslavement. Doctors are fined by Medicare for conscientious refusal to participate in EHR, as are those physicians in remote medical practices who are unable to participate in EHR due to inadequate internet service or computer support staff. Medical practices which acquiesce to EHR face electronic transmission failures, computer crashes, lost revenue, lost data, increased HIPAA privacy fines, increased medico-legal exposure and EHR maintenance costs in excess of $30,000.00 per year per physician. A data entry glitch into a confusing EHR program can result in a life altering charge of Medicare fraud or result in patient profiling by law enforcement. Nevertheless corporate EHR vendors face no liability for the consequences of their expensively flawed wares, which Obamacare forced physicians to purchase.

Obamacare’s EHR is, at best, a regulatory mandate to finance prematurely released electronic data systems in exchange for corporate software and health insurance industry financial support for political aspirations. At worst, EHR is a vehicle of espionage against medical privacy and voting citizens’ identities.


Your site claims that keeping electronic health records (EHR) in ” a uniform digital system means that when you show up in an [another doctor’s office] the people treating you know everything they need to know instantly,… you aren’t playing scavenger hunt and missing important medical records, … using our technology to advance healthcare delivery and improve efficiency.” When my primary doctor referred me to a specialist who had me manually fill out a multi-page health info sheet, that they couldn’t transfer the info electronically because the specialist was not on their “Patient [electronic] Portal”.

What does EHR law currently require? When?


Like so much about Obamacare, it’s just hype. If it–EHR or Obamacare–were better, they wouldn’t have to force people.

Here’s a Wall Street Journal article from a real doctor: http://www.cato.org/publications/commentary/obamacares-electronic-records-debacle

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