Where is My 1095A Tax Form?

We were supposed to receive the 1095A form in early Feb. Its 2/14/15 and still no form. The ACA web help says they will call back— no call back. Then it would take several days: Then told it would be 30 days. Its not on my account online. Please help!!!!!! Very, very, very frustrating when you can’t even file my taxes. So where is my 1095A information?

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trying to get a 1095a for 2018


The best thing to do is to contact the marketplace.


I need a 1095-A


Make sure to get it from your marketplace account at the official website for health insurance HealthCare.Gov. You can always contact them if you are having trouble.


please to my 1095 A




Make sure to contact the official marketplace healthcare.gov.


I need my account information


The best move in a case like this is to contact healthcare.gov.


When will forms be out for 2016? Some of us need this tax return.


today is 07/11/2016 and i did not my 1095A i could not prepare my 2015 taxes, the maket place told me evrytime that y must to wait for it…since the last february i am calling to marketplace office, and untilnow nothing…please anybody helpme….


I’ve been trying to retrieve my 1095A form online and by mail for over an month from Healthcare.gov and all I’ve been told was that my issue has been escalated. As of today, it still hasn’t been mailed out. I’ve also spoken with Supervisor Kia P. which was useless. I’m very frustrated because this is causing a big inconvenience.


I just edited out the last name here, the marketplace workers are doing their best, but the frustration is well understood.


When will we get our 2015 1095a ?


Last year it was the end of January. It would make sense that the forms would be sent out as open enrollment ends so there is only one focus at once. I will aim to update the site when I get a confirmed answer.


I just got a letter from the IRS stating that I had received a FORM 1095 -A last year and should have completed FORM 8962 with my 2014 tax return. I am confused because I have never registered with Covered California. I receive health care through my job with SF unified school district. How can I get to the bottom of this.


Good question. I’d call the IRS. 8962 is for Marketplace tax credits, you didn’t get any, so you don’t need to file it. You also don’t need to file a 1095-a those are automatically filed on your behalf.


I, in July, am still waiting for my 1095 form. I was forced to get Obamacare because I can’t afford insurance, but now, I can’t afford Obamacare and am getting behind in other bills waiting for my refund; so what’s next? Am I to be sent to jail? The gamble of getting sick or needing another hip surgery would have been worth it because I would not be sinking in this financial pit. I have called 3 times. Last time I was told it would be seven weeks from when I applied and it has been well over that. I was told about 2 weeks ago it was either about to be in the mail or was already in the mail..NO, nothing…meanwhile I am scanning my car, parking lots, etc. for quarters or even pennies to get enough gas to get to work. And I get a little more than some people because I am a manager. I don’t spend excessively, I drive a beat up old car and am very frugal, trying to even save enough to get on a budget but can’t….this is too frustrating for words…I hope to get a real answer and not shoved around…


Aside from contacting both the Marketplace and IRS to follow up, there isn’t much to do other than wait (although some people have also tried self-filing a 1095-A). On one hand it makes sense that not everyone of the 10 million plus 1095-A forms went smoothly, this is actually common in the first year of new tax credit programs. IRS is human, HealthCare.Gov is human, CMS, HHS, etc. On another more practical hand, it really sucks to be that person who is waiting for their refund. Health insurance / healthcare is one of the biggest expenses a normal family will deal with and a person’s refund can be substantial, to have both of those things in flux could easily be the difference between being able to afford life in the here-and-now or not. On the plus this shouldn’t be affecting your ability to get tax credits now for 2015. We would not suggest forgoing tax credits based on a bad experince from a previous year.

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