Green Card ObamaCare Question

Hello, my name is Z. I have a specific question regarding my mother’s health situation. Her name is O, and she is 47 years old single female. She just came to the U.S on September of 2014 with her green card (permanent resident ID card).
It is her first time coming to the states and she hasn’t been able to find a job due to her lack of english. She has health issues with her kidney and she had cancer back in 2004. She doesn’t speak english very well, so I had to speak for her.
I’m still in college, and my Visa status is F-1. Because of my Visa status constraints, I’m not allowed to work while being a full-time student. I’ll be graduating from college in 2015 with my Civil Engineering degree.
At the moment, we are just trying to survive until I graduate from college, but I’m very concerned for her health and it bothers me a lot. She has been having all sorts of serious health problems lately.
I was wondering what to do and who to talk to. Since she is unemployed, what should we do? Who should we talk to? Is Obamacare best for us or some other private/federal insurance coverage is more suitable?
Hi. I got some questions so please is someone can help me to understand.
In a few days I will have my Green Card Interview and I’ve heard that I need a Private Health Care Plan to be able to get it because my Obama Care does not work for it.
My questions are: Is it that true? I mean, having Obama Care may affect my eligibility for Green Card? Do I really need a Private Health Care Plan to be eligible for Green Card?
Thank you
ObamaCareFacts.comThe Author
The short answer is “basically no, however…”
Here is the full answer:
In general, getting assistance through the ACA (Medicaid/CHIP or cost assistance like tax credits) won’t negatively impact your chances of becoming a resident or citizen. However, not needing as much assistance (being over 250% FPL or having coverage through work instead of the ACA) can have a positive impact. Learn more about the current “public charge” rules under Trump. Keep in mind this could change again in the future.
william meyer
My wife qualified for Obahma Care for 2020. She is not a Us citizen. She does have a work visa and is applying for her green card via marriage immigration. The fact that she is enrolled in Marketplace Health Insurance , will that have any effect on he recieving a green card?
ObamaCareFacts.comThe Author
Using the marketplace is supposed to have no impact on immigration status or your ability to, for example, get a green card.
I will be 26 years old in March 2016. I am am a full student receiving Financial Aids and not working at all.
What is the best insurance options (or Obama Care) I would get and how much do I pay, since I has no income (full time student)?.
Thank you
ObamaCareFacts.comThe Author
100% suggest Medicaid if you can get it. If not, marketplace tax credits based on annual income. For students incomes range from Medicaid to the Marketplace. That said, many student will find the only affordable option Medicaid (which poses problems in 18 red states and Maine who have refused expansion).