Employer Family Plan Ending for 26 Year Old, What are our Options?

My daughter is currently on my employer plan, she turns 26 in March and will be off my employer plan end of March. What does she need to do now under Obamacare?

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My son turned 26 in Sept. and lost his job the same month. Now he’s on unemployment. Should he apply for Medicaid or sign up for Obamacare that he can’t pay for? It’s Nov. 8th 2016 and we don’t know what to do!! HELP


You can go directly to healthcare.gov during open enrollment when you don’t know the answer. That is typically the best general advice.


Didn’t it used to be that the 26 year old was covered until the end of the year? My son turned 26 in June 2014, and I’m sure he was covered until Dec.31, 2014.


No it is until their birthday. At that point they get a chance to use special enrollment to switch to another plan.

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