Adding a Dependent to a Family Plan Outside of Open Enrollment?

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hello,my parents added the family plan at California but at that time, I’m not with them, attending the college so my name is not on it. Now I finished my semester and at California now. My parents want me to be added at the family plan since I’m a dependent. How can I do that? What kind of document I need to bring?
Joseph Capuano
My spouse recently started a new job with a very prominent hospital this past April. It was assumed by her that medical coverage would not be offered until her probationary period had ended 90 days after her date of hire. She received her paperwork for insurance a couple of weeks after she began working there, and she submitted it as soon as she could. Well within the assumed period, the paperwork was submitted, and she received word from her employer that documentation was needed to prove that she was married, and that her children were indeed hers. Assuming that she was well within the time period to submit this information, she gathered the required documents and submitted them to her employer. A few days before she submitted the paperwork, she received her medical cards in the mail, with a congratulatory letter that welcomed her to the plan. With that, she assumed all was well, and began using the cards for our two children who need monthly regiments of medications for ADHD, and autism related disabilities. Roughly a week after getting the cards in the mail, we received word that our children were not covered because documentation was not received in time to get them on to the plan. This threw us a real curve because our children depend on this medication daily. It is very unclear why getting documentation into an insurance company within a certain time period is so critical to obtain coverage. After all, the employee is paying the required premium for coverage as a deduction from their paycheck. Coverage should begin for EVERYONE when documentation is received. It was never like this in the past. Insurance for your family should not be something only for the privileged to afford and obtain. Healthcare affects EVERYONE. Nothing has changed in the healthcare industry but the greed factor amongst drug companies and insurance companies. Healthcare on the whole is the most irresponsibly run industry in this country, holding millions of people hostage in the wake of corporate greed. If you think that it is ok to endanger people’s lives by over-pricing medications, and other basic healthcare needs simply to make a buck, you are very wrong. In fact, the finger of blame points directly to the healthcare industry as it currently stands for failing to address the staggering mental health crisis in this nation. It is this industry that needs to be held accountable for not properly treating the mentally impaired, and keeping vital medications out of the hands of the ones that desperately need them, simply because it isn’t cost effective to do so. Society is endangered, and people are dying because they can’t afford the necessary medications and treatments prescribed by their doctors. All of this continues to take place while you continue to pat yourselves on the back and lavishly reward yourselves for turning a profit. Do you not see this as unconscionable? How on earth do you live with yourselves?
Karen Fernandez
If you add a dependent through a qualified event, does Covered California have the right to decide if you can afford your updated medical costs. And if not, bump you into Medical without your knowledge?
You would have to check with them, I am not 100% on the rules for when you wouldn’t qualify for assistance via the marketplace but would have a dependent qualify for coverage for a child through your state’s version of CHIP (which in CA is done via MediCal).
Ricardo perez
My brothers 33 years old and my sister 29 years old are going to arrive to the United States on March, three months from now, im planing to add them as my dependent since im the one working and making the most money in the house,
1)do i have to enroll them now even that they dont have a social security card yet neither green card?
2) do i have to enroll myself before the deadline and then when they come to the United States, call and modify my plan?
This is more complicated than one may assume.
To have them enrolled on your plan you need to be a tax family, a family the files taxes together. To do that you will likely have to claim them as dependents (as a “qualifying relative”). This should be an option as long as they are legally present, don’t make over the income threshold (which is rather low), and meet the other criteria (I don’t know off hand if they do from what you describe). You can contact the marketplace and ask them or contact your insurer and ask them too.
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I added my son to my marketplace plan within the specified time frame. He was automatically applied from marketplace to Medicaid and denied. The marketplace is now telling me they cannot back date his insurance effective his date of birth even though I attempted to add him within the allotted time frame. Make sure you follow up consistently. Unfortunately for me following up did not help. I am currently trying to figure out how to fix this massive inconvenience and problem while caring for a newborn.
This is the sort of sad result of “cracking down on special enrollment” which was done under Trump’s HHS. It is this sort of small detail that always gets overlooked in the national conversation.
It seems like tightening up rules will reduce fraud, but there is always collateral damage.
Sorry to hear this, do keep on them until the reverse the decision.
Hi. I want to add my daughter to my insurance through obamacare. What do I need to add her?
If you qualify for special enrollment, then yes. If not you may not have an option. I would start with the insurer or the marketplace for help.
My insurance company nor seems to know the answer to this…
When I add my newly born daughter to my policy, makes you choose a plan and click ENROLL. I’m already enrolled in a plan. I don’t want to change my plan. I just wan to add a dependent. However, if I click ENROLL will it terminate my old plan, create a new plan, and reset my the deductible and maximum-out-of-pocket requirements in which I have already met?
If you add a person to an existing family plan then you don’t need to cancel your old plan and by no means should you. If however you are switching from an individual policy to a family plan then you do. You should call your insurer directly and explain to them what is going on to make sure the transition is smooth.