30 Hour Work Week Am I Covered?

My daughter has worked 30 hours a week for a large company since Jan. 2014. She was not given health care coverage by the company so she has been buying insurance as an individual. I was told that beginning in Jan. 2015, a company is responsible for providing health care coverage for those working 30 hours or more per week. She has not been given any of this information and is still paying for coverage on her own. Could you please let me know if the information regarding employer coverage is accurate. If it is, how should she go about obtaining employee health benefits.

Starting in 2016 all large employers have to offer coverage to those working an average of 30 or more hours a week. In 2015 only those with 100 or more full-time equivalent employees have to offer coverage, and this is only to 75% of their full-time workforce. Learn more about the employer mandate.

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