What Do Real People Think About the ACA?

Want to know what real people think about the ACA, well here is your chance. Over open enrollment 2015 624 of our users took our ObamaCareFacts.com poll. We will be breaking down the results soon, but we wanted to share the raw data with everyone first.

We ask’d you what you thought about the healthcare marketplace, subsidies, and lawsuits and you answered.

Here is what you said. Check it out the results of our 2015 open enrollment poll here.

Author: Thomas DeMichele

Thomas DeMichele is the head writer and founder of ObamaCareFacts.com, FactsOnMedicare.com, and other websites. He has been in the health insurance and healthcare information field since 2012. ObamaCareFacts.com is a...

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I want to know what will happen to us people with chronic illness once they take the Obama Care away. If I can get something with detail so i can understand well. thank you


Why sign up at all if the deductible is so high?


ACA is the most decent, caring, and responsible legislation I have seen in a very long time. It openly addresses issues that have undermined the health and happiness of millions of Americans for decades. Sure, as in any new legislation there are areas that could be improved but to think of dismantling it completely would be irresponsible for the budget, devastating to millions who are finally being treated honestly and regularly for needed heath care issues, and would send a message to Americans and the world that politicians do not care about the people or the budget, only their own egos.


This only represents 624 responses which is a very small number and is not representative as compared to the millions who have obtained coverage under the Affordable Care Act, I have insurance which I purchased through the National exchange, ( I live Texas, which has not set up a state exchange), and I am very satisfied with the coverage. I do not recall having an opportunity to participate in this poll.

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