Employer Mandate: I must participate in group coverage?

I have no idea where to turn. I have done google searches over and over and no one else seems to have this issue.
My employer is telling me I must buy their group coverage health insurance or I will lose my job.
My employer offers a cafeteria benefit of $360 a month. I have been using those funds to purchase my own health insurance at $201.51 a month. I receive no subsidy. Now they are telling me they will be penalized if I don’t sign up for their insurance. My cost will now be $371 a month. This is $169.49 a month more for me. I cannot afford this $2033.88 more a year for health insurance.
If someone is married and covered under their husband’s insurance, they get the $360 as wages. Why am I being punished for not being married? Why do I have to buy insurance under a group plan? All the HR person could tell me was that it is in the ACA. The ACA says I have to have insurance under a GROUP PLAN. I can’t find this, where does it say this? Why can’t I buy my own insurance?
actually we have found a loophole thank God!! It is true that if your employer offers insurance you are not eligible for any subsidies… HOWEVER! if you are going to have to pay more than 9.5% of your income towards insurance then you DO qualify!! Get on the phone with a specialist!
I think your problem lies in this part of the new mandated rules that apply to employer health benefits and responsibilities. If you are working for a company that employs 50 full time or a mix of full and part time that adds up to 50 full time, your employer will be responsible to pay a penalty if you receive a tax credit on private insurance from an exchange. In truth, you won’t receive one if you make a good wage. What’s happening is you don’t make enough to afford the insurance. How many others in company are experiencing this or are you the only one. Your employer does not want to pay anything for you if you get outside insurance, so he is demanding you get the company insurance that you cannot afford on your wages. Here is an article that explains his responsibilities. Perhaps it will give you a bit of leverage, http://www.irs.gov/Affordable-Care-Act/Employers/Questions-and-Answers-on-Employer-Shared-Responsibility-Provisions-Under-the-Affordable-Care-Act
Under the ACA you can’t get cost assistance subsidies if your employer offers you coverage. However, you can always choose any private insurance, inside or outside the marketplace, you are eligible for. By not taking your employer based coverage you’ll most likely miss out on your employer contribution (typically at least 50%), so do make sure the $360 is after contributions not before.
Bottom line is your employer must offer coverage if they meet certain criteria, but you have a choice whether to take it or not. If you are going to get a marketplace plan your employer can help you fill out this document. https://www.healthcare.gov/downloads/ECT_Application_508_130615.pdf
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