Short Term Health Insurance or ObamaCare for Traveling?

I have few questions regarding the Obama care short term insurance? Please see questions below:

1. I been working in China for the past 2 years and I will moved back to California in March 2015. I will probably start looking for jobs in either New York or California. I was wondering if I could apply for Obama care short term insurance?

2. Can I apply for Obama short term insurance now even I am not currently in the US yet? How long would it take to get a notice of approval?

3. Is Obama Care short term insurance flexible ? For example. I may be in California for few month then I will move to New York. In this case could I switch doctor from state to state?

4. Does short term insurance allow me to see a specialist such as an endocrinologist? Do I have to go through my primary doctor first in order to get a referral?

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