How to Get Coverage With Job But Low Income?

1) no income in 2013..2) incarcerated most of 2014 and 3) got a job in February 2015 and was paying on insurance waiting for my probation period with the job to be over to start insurance- but got laid off. 4) got a new job starting April 5- doesn’t offer insurance and doesn’t pay good enough to buy insurance and I still have a bunch of fines and restitution I am paying.

also got hurt on a part time job in January- they didn’t carry workman’s comp so I was told I have to pay for it. Hospital is telling me I have to pay it and a fine for no insurance.

My aunt has been trying to help me navigate this insurance stuff and truthfully it is impossible to understand. I have not filed a tax return in years because no income…. so am I going to have a fine for no insurance or do I have what it takes as an “exception”????

I have some medical issues that were last treated when I was incarcerated- which include depression, psychosis and seizures. I need insurance so I can go see a doctor asap but ….

I cannot figure out how to do all this…. can you tell me how to do this in normal, easy to understand directions?

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