Washington I-1600 Summary of Sections

A universal healthcare initiative to the people was filed in Washington State on January 23, 2018. If supporters are able to gather valid voter signatures by July 6th, 2018 (about 260,000) I-1600 will appear on the 2018 general election ballot in November. I-1600 Brief Summary of Parts I, II, III Part I creates a new… Read More

S.2372 VA Mission Act of 2018 & The Funding Debate

S.2372 – VA MISSION Act of 2018, which passed through both the House and Senate with bipartisan support, was signed into law on June 6th, 2018. The legislation amends,  expands, and unifies existing Veterans Choice Programs. Unlike the previous Veterans Choice Program, the new community care program requires the congressional appropriations committees to provide designated… Read More

North Carolina Working on Medicaid Expansion, but Finds Opposition

North Carolina is working on expanding Medicaid, but conservatives have so far blocked the efforts despite the expansion proposal including work requirements (a provision favored by the GOP). It is estimated that 624,000 residents would become eligible for coverage under the expansion plan, however for that to happen the bill needs to make it out of state… Read More

Obamacare Deprived me of Healthcare – Story

I was fine BEFORE the government got involved in “healthcare.” I used to pay$364.oo a month for my health insurance. That insurance helped me through the trials of breast cancer and radiation treatment etc. Then, some legislators decided to FORCE me to buy new insurance as they caused my own policy to be discontinued!

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