New Executive Orders Re-open ObamaCare Marketplaces and Rollback Trump Era Rules

The White House officially announced plans to sign executive orders to re-open the marketplaces for special enrollment and to roll-back Trump era changes to Medicaid and women’s reproductive health.[1]

The following actions will be taken:

1) There will be a special enrollment period from February 15, 2021 – May 15, 2021. This will apply to anyone using HealthCare.Gov and may apply to other states.

2) The Biden-Harris administration will direct federal agencies to reconsider Trump-era rules that limit access to healthcare including:

  • Policies that undermine protections for people with pre-existing conditions, including complications related to COVID-19;
  • Demonstrations and waivers under Medicaid and the ACA that may reduce coverage or undermine the programs, including work requirements;
  • Policies that undermine the Health Insurance Marketplace or other markets for health insurance;
  • Policies that make it more difficult to enroll in Medicaid and the ACA; and
  • Policies that reduce affordability of coverage or financial assistance, including for dependents.

3) President Biden will issue a Presidential Memorandum to protect and expand access to comprehensive reproductive health care. Specifically, this rescinds the global gag rule, also referred to as the Mexico City Policy, which bars international non-profits that provide abortion counseling or referrals from receiving U.S. funding.

Article Citations
  1. FACT SHEET: President Biden to Sign Executive Orders Strengthening Americans’ Access to Quality, Affordable Health Care. WhiteHouse.Gov.

Author: Thomas DeMichele

Thomas DeMichele is the head writer and founder of,, and other websites. He has been in the health insurance and healthcare information field since 2012. is a...

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