ObamaCare Saved My Life, My Pancreatic Cancer Story

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I had no insurance until February of 2014, when my new policy through the Healthcare Marketplace became effective. While getting a physical in June, I mentioned to my doctor that I had been experiencing some discomfort from what appeared to be a kidney stone. She recommended an X-ray and sure enough, I had a kidney stone. Next, I went for a CAT-Scan, which showed lesions on my pancreas. Further tests determined them to be malignant. Because of this chance early detection, I was able to have successful surgery and am now undergoing Chemotherapy. I am currently in remission and I owe my life to President Obama ( and a nagging kidney stone). I hope to someday thank him personally.
Dan W
does obama care cover carcinoma surgeries?
That is a question for your insurer. The ACA covers all “essential coverage” as an essential benefit, so I would think if a doctor thought it was essential and the insurer agreed.
Jennifer Hellijas
I just found out a friend of mine has pancreatic cancer, I asked about going to a cancer treatment facility and he said that because he had Obama Care that he couldn’t. I need to know if this is true. I don’t want to see my friend die without all the help he can get.
This is not true. Cancer and other essential services needed to combat chronic illness are covered on all coverage that counts as minimum essential coverage. That includes ALL coverage one might consider ObamaCare (expanded Medicaid, marketplace coverage, health plans sold after 2014 that comply with the law). This is part of “ten essential health benefits” covered under all plans. This is also required by Medicare too, so seniors are also covered.
A specific non-essential treatment can be covered, so it’s important to check with one’s insurer about cost sharing amounts, allowed amounts, and what exactly is covered. But that being said, if your friend needs cancer treatment, that treatment should be offered on all medical plans sold after 2014.
Sorry to hear about your friend John. We actually live in Spokane and know exactly what AmBetter is and how it works. They offer some very inexpensive plans, those plans tend to focus more on out-of-pocket maximum and low premiums then cost sharing. All the local hospitals take AmBetter and there is certainly a large enough network here in Spokane to get the care one needs. However, at the price tag of $50 a month your friend should be expecting to pay for medical costs out-of-pocket up to her deductible / and or maximum due to the way the plan is designed.
Since the treatments needed to fight cancer are all “covered benefits” due to the Affordable Care Act’s mandatory ten essential benefits and elimination of lifetime and annual limits, any Marketplace plan or Major Medical plan outside of the marketplace would help someone fight cancer.
Remember though, plan cost and coverage is based just as much on region as it is on the insurer and the plan you choose. So an experience with a provider may be awesome one place and lackluster in another.
My friend is a age 72 lady. Her now dead career employer didn’t withhold wage deductions for her, instead he gave her a $1500 per month trust fund annuity for retirement and no medical coverage. Now her health is bad and she is in heavy medical debt and ill such that she can’t buy enough groceries now with continuing illness. Because of her annuity income, she’s barred from welfare and medicaid or medicare. She got ObamaCare through a Washington State represented coverage called “AmBetter” which is not recognized by doctors or hospitals and does nothing for her, except charge her $50 per month, and if she drops that with no coverage, she will be charged a penalty under Obamacare. Can you please tell me the name of the Obamacare insurance company the grateful lady with cancer and bladder stone recovery is covered with?