Cost Sharing Reduction Subsidies 2021

Cost Sharing Reduction (CSR) subsidies reduce your out-of-pocket expenses on silver plans purchased through the health insurance marketplace for those with incomes between 100% – 250% of the poverty level.
CSR subsidies lower your coinsurance, and lower copays, deductibles, and maximum out-of-pocket costs you will pay in a policy period. CSR subsidies are based on income.
There are three levels of CSR subsidies: CSR 73, CSR 87, and CSR 94. The numbers refer to the actuarial value (AV). Benefits sheets will include different summaries for different CSR levels. Please note values may adjust each year.
Income Level Actuarial Value (the costs a Silver plan will cover due to cost-sharing reduction subsidies for % of the Poverty Level).
- 100-150% FPL = 94% Actuarial Value (CSR 94)
- 150-200% FPL = 87% Actuarial Value (CSR 87)
- 200-250% FPL = 73% Actuarial Value (CSR 73)
- More than 250% FPL = 70% Actuarial Value
NOTE: For more information see a the 2021 Actuarial Value Calculator.
NOTE: Actuarial values are subject to change each year, the % numbers above may be adjusted before open enrollment.