ObamaCare Open Enrollment 2020

Open Enrollment For 2020 Plans
ObamaCare Open Enrollment 2020 started Nov 1, 2019 and ends Dec 15, 2019. Sign up for ObamaCare to get guaranteed coverage that qualifies for cost assistance based on income.[1]
Open enrollment is the only time of year you can enroll in a health plan, switch plans, or re-enroll in your current plan the in individual and family market. If you miss open enrollment, your only options are limited to special enrollment, short term health insurance, employer-based coverage, Medicare, Medicaid, and CHIP.
TIP: Only plans sold on the health insurance marketplace qualify for cost assistance.
Key Dates For Open Enrollment 2020 (the Open Enrollment Season For Plans Held in 2020)
- Thursday November 1, 2019. Open Enrollment begins.
- Saturday December 15, 2019: Open Enrollment ends (extensions may be granted).
- Wednesday January 1, 2020: The earliest a plan purchased during open enrollment can start.
NOTE: Enrollment dates are subject to change each year. The federal government and/or some or all states may extend enrollment. We will post extensions below if and when any are announced.
State Specific Deadlines and Extensions for the 2019 – 2020 Open Enrollment Season
States with state-based exchanges may issue extensions, some states have permanent extension, and the federal government my issue extensions. Which extensions are offered is subject to change each year.
Below are the state-based deadlines for 2020 for marketplace coverage under the ACA and some notes on federal deadline extensions.
Please double check the official state-based websites and the federal marketplace HealthCare.Gov to confirm extensions each year, as some extensions are subject to change.
- California: October 15, 2019 through January 31, 2020. Last day for coverage that starts Jan 1, 2020 is Dec 14, 2019, otherwise coverage starts no later than Feb 1, 2020. This a permanent extension.
- Colorado: October 15, 2019 through January 15, 2020. Last day for coverage that starts Jan 1, 2020 is Dec 14, 2019, otherwise coverage starts no later than Feb 1, 2020. This a permanent extension.
- Connecticut: Has a history of issuing extensions during open enrollment.
- Idaho: Has a history of issuing extensions during open enrollment, although they haven’t extended open enrollment in recent years.
- Maryland: Has a history of issuing extensions during open enrollment, although they haven’t extended open enrollment in recent years.
- Massachusetts: October 15, 2019 through January 23, 2020.
- Nevada: Has a history of issuing extensions during open enrollment, although no extension has been granted as of writing this for 2020.
- New York: October 15, 2019 through January 31, 2020.
- Rhode Island: October 15, 2019 through December 31, 2020. This extension is subject to change each year.
- Vermont: Has a history of issuing extensions during open enrollment, although no extension has been granted as of writing this for 2020.
- Washington: Has a history of issuing extensions during open enrollment, although no extension has been granted as of writing this for 2020.
- Washington DC: October 15, 2019 through January 31, 2020. This a permanent extension.
Other states may be subject to extension in 2020 as well. States with state-run exchanges can issue last minute extensions, and the federal government can issue an extension for all states using the federal marketplace as well.
How To Get Covered: Go directly to HealthCare.gov or find a marketplace approved broker like the ones on our site.
- Dates and deadlines for 2020 health insurance. HealthCare.Gov.