Obamacare Deprived me of Healthcare – Story

I was fine BEFORE the government got involved in “healthcare.” I used to pay$364.oo a month for my health insurance. That insurance helped me through the trials of breast cancer and radiation treatment etc. Then, some legislators decided to FORCE me to buy new insurance as they caused my own policy to be discontinued! My “affordable” premiums went up to $795.oo a month and then that insurance company, Coventry, left the marketplace in Florida where I live. So then, my premiums went up again to $1100.oo a month with a $6900 deductible! HORRIBLE! I couldnt afford any “affordable healthcare” so I LOST MY COVERAGE. Yes, I’m angry. Now I have to try to fill out a bunch of nonsense forms as to why I should be exempt from my “shared contribution!” AWFUL! I haven’t been able to see my oncologist. I only earned 31,500 in 2017, I had hospital bills of over $17,000.00 and now I have to justify why I shouldn’t have to pay the government more!
Loreen Keller
The moment Obamacare was made the law of the land my employer cut nearly every full timer at the store level to part time and below the hours required to pay half of the Obamacare premiums. It used to only cost less than $100 bi weekly to get full coverage. The premiums went up past $400 before I had to let go of trying to keep full time to have it. I made $800 a month at full time then. Since 2014 I have been completely uninsured with no end in sight. Even if my home state expands Medicade I will still not qualify by a long shot. At 51 I know I will not live as long as anyone else. he first problem will just kill me. I hope it’s quick. I am even more happy to be paying taxes so rich people don’t have to pay for their Obamacare!