Trump Won’t Extended the ACA Deadline; As One Would Expect

Open enrollment won’t be extended this year for the federal marketplaces, however, some states have extended their deadlines, and there are exemptions for victims of Harvey. See extensions and exemptions.
We had expected Trump and his administration would not follow Obama’s lead and extended open enrollment 2018 under the Affordable Care Act (ObamaCare). And, no surprise, this seems to be exactly what is happening.
There are however still some tricks you can try if you wanted coverage but missed the deadline. See a list of tips and tricks for getting covered if you missed the deadline.
For more reading, see: Trump officials decline to extend ObamaCare sign-up deadline.
IMPORTANT: According to the HealthCare.Gov Twitter: If you call 1-800-318-2596 and leave your name and number it seems you will be granted an exemption to the Dec. 15 deadline. Do this ASAP (on December 16th) if you want coverage!
It’s busy at our call center today! If you call and are asked to leave your name and phone number, please do so. A call center rep will call you back after Dec 15 to make sure you have Marketplace coverage that starts Jan 1. You may also visit to enroll.
— (@HealthCareGov) December 15, 2017