ObamaCare Was Helpful at First, but Medicare… – Story

Before Obamacare I had only been going to the doctor sporadically even though I have Hypertension. In fact I waited so long going without the medication I needed that I went into heart failure with my blood pressure being morbidly high. I had been self medicating with a lot of over the counter treatments and “home treatments”. When I did start to use the Obamacare it afforded the ability to get a primary care physician and some help with medication costs. I still owe lots of money on the hospital bills which I am gradually paying off. But my condition was treated and I am still alive and Obamacare helped me do that. That is the good news, no great news.
Now the bad news. I turned 65 last year and am not 100% eligible for my full social security. Because I was born in 1950 I don’t become fully eligible for that until after May and not eligible for Medicare Plans B, C & D until July since I did not opt for it none of which I knew until they sent back these confusing letters. However I did, unbeknownst to me apply fore part A, which even though it does not pay for doctors or drugs now makes me ineligible for help with my medical plan costs and pretty much puts me back where I started. Which is coming up with the extra 500 plus dollars to pay for the plan I now pay $217 for.
So here is my cautionary tale for others as you get older. Do nothing unless you understand all the implications. Hopefully I will survive this and either come up with the money and not end up being homeless (exaggeration I have children I can live with). Obamacare while pretty good is flawed and has holes in it which anyone can fall through.
Douglas Burt
There is no applying for Part A. You get it at a certain age assuming you’ve got 40 quarters of work in your background, are a citizen and so forth. In Washington state you could call the office of the insurance commissioner and get help with anything Medicare related through their SHIBA program – Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisers. I seem to recall that the program is available through all of the states Insurance commissioners offices. They provide volunteers who are well-versed in Medicare and can help you understand the details you need in order to make good decisions in the future.
Regarding medications, there are programs that can help pay for medications even if you have some Medicare. The question is whether your are income eligible and whether you have actual access to Medicare prescription benefits. If you have no access then whether or not you have Medicare is a moot point, in the eyes of most prescription drug assistance programs.
Go to RXassist.org.
I have helped thousands of patients using this site.
And find the name and contact information for a SHIBA representative close to your home through your state’s insurance commissioner’s office.
Getting old’s a bummer. Getting health care shouldn’t have to be.
Barack Rocks!