Obamacare / Affordable Care Act Eased My Mind and Worked Well for Me. Thank You! – Story

Like many people, I’ve been out of a job for a little while but looking, and things are looking better, but the timeline is always unfortunately indefinite. Debt and expense have been racking up while I burn through back up savings, and things have not been ideal, and frankly have been tough. I did not have health insurance for a couple months, and finally got around to applying on the exchange. it was simple, fast, easy and got things done well for me. my mind is now at ease. i qualified for a subsidy thankfully which allows me to be on a great plan with everything i need at a very manageable monthly cost. i need health insurance and simply would not be able to have such good coverage at such a low price without Obamacare/Affordable Care Act.
Thank you for everything President Obama.
Not working, others pay. wait until she gets a job.