ObamaCare Enrollment Numbers As of September 2015

As of September 2015 an estimated 17.6 million are enrolled in ObamaCare including 15.3 million in the Marketplace and Medicaid and 2.3 million young adults. This is up from previous estimates of 16.4 million back in March.
Under the ACA the uninsured rate has fallen form a high of 18% to below 11.4% (the lowest uninsured rate in 50 years). This is over a 35% reduction in total uninsured.
These numbers come from a speech at Howard University on Tuesday, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell and are based on a recent federal data.
The enrollment data shows newly insured and not total enrollments (which are much higher and include employer coverage and private coverage obtained outside the marketplace).
It’s worth comparing this to a recent report which showed 9.9 million enrolled and paid in the Marketplace only as of June 30 2015 and other enrollment data for a more accurate view on total enrollments versus newly insured.
According to USA today: “In a speech at Howard University on Tuesday, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell said that the uninsured rate dropped 10.3% among African-Americans as 2.6 million gained coverage. Four million Latino adults also became insured, representing an 11.5% decline in the rate of uninsured Hispanics.
Almost half of the uninsured individuals who are likely eligible for marketplace plans are between the ages of 18 and 34. About one-third of the uninsured who qualify for Obamacare plans are minorities: 19% are Hispanic, 14% are African American, and 2% are Asian American, she said.
They are also likely to need the federal subsidies to buy their plans. About half of the uninsured have less than $100 in savings. Nearly three in five of the uninsured are either confused about how the tax credits work or don’t know that they are available to most low income people.
Advance premium tax credits cut the amount people pay for their monthly health insurance premiums. During the last open enrollment season, 84% of people who bought plans on the federal and state exchanges received an average of $270 per month to help lower their monthly premium cost.”
Paul Zimmer
I think your explanations are only geared to sell a crappy plan. 18 m enrolled? What about other 310 m?????? What about those aged 34-80?????? What about it being a law?????? What zbout huge increases? ?????? What about huge deductibles???????
ObamaCareFacts.comThe Author
Look at this page which explains details: https://obamacarefacts.com/sign-ups/obamacare-enrollment-numbers/