The Distant Future of June 5th 2015

Far in the distance, a long time from now, on June 5th 2015 the GOP will be expected to have a solution in place for the potential repeal of ACA subsidies.
What is that you say? “June 5th isn’t the distant future, it’s actually less than a month away?… And the GOP have no solid agreed upon plan for what to do?”
Hmm, that sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.
Can’t imagine that is going to go over well with the 7 million plus Americans in states like Florida and Ohio who may have their health insurance taken away, or the millions who may see premiums increase again (this time due to rights being taken away instead of given). At least the Presidential elections are in the distant… Oh, wait those are coming up too.
On June 5th King V Burwell comes to a head as the Supreme Court will rule on whether subsidies are legal in 36 states. If SCOTUS says they are illegal then congress will either have to present a simple fix to the ACA (rewriting one sentence in the 1000 plus page law), pass an alternate plan, or sit back and watch as millions suffer.
Considering the facts, the army of repealers the GOP worked so hard to mobilize, and the timeframe… the outcome of the King V Burwell might be the rewriting of a sentence, but not the one the GOP was hopping for. Something like:
“Jeb Bush 45th President of the United States.” “Hillary Clinton 45th President of the United States”
State subsidy graphic and more reading at Huffington Post.