11.4 Million People Enrolled in ObamaCare for 2015

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By the end of open enrollment 2015 an estimated 11.4 million people were enrolled in ObamaCare, this exceeded the expected goal of 9.1 million.
Post by The White House.
- ObamaCare enrollments were only 10 million at the start of February. This included 2.4 million were covered through state Marketplaces and 4.5 million renewals.
- 10 million more were covered through Medicaid or CHIP, and 3 million young Americans under 26 were able to stay on their parents plan.
- Many are covered through employers who expanded coverage under the ACA, and on private plans outside of the marketplace.
- The current 11.4 number is an estimate, exact Marketplace enrollments and exact numbers for other enrollments related to ACA provisions haven’t been report yet.
- The goal was 9.1 million. Learn more about the enrollment numbers.
Didn’t get covered for 2015? Open Enrollment is over, but you may still have Special Enrollment Options. Get the details.
ObamaCare Moving Forward into 2015
Goals have been exceeded, signups are better than anyone expected, but that doesn’t mean that “everything is awesome”.
There are still about 30 million Americans in the united states without coverage. Many will go through the year not realizing they and their family qualify for free-or-low-cost coverage through Medicaid, CHIP, and the Marketplaces.
This upcoming year will be the most vital year of ObamaCare yet.
- On March 4th a lawsuit to determine whether subsidies are legal or not will reach the supreme court. Republican governors of Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, South Carolina and Wisconsin said the states were not willing to create a local exchange to keep subsidies flowing if they are declared illegal.
- By April 15th, millions will get a taste of the “individual shared responsibility blues” when they learn about the ACA’s requirement to get covered on their taxes. (Fingers crossed there will be an extra enrollment period)
- Over 5 million are without access to coverage, since anti-ObamaCare states have failed to embrace Medicaid expansion.
- The GOP ObamaCare replacement plan is still sitting on some table somewhere, (underneath the immigration reform bills and mail-order catalogues most likely)
#ObamaCareWorks, but only with the support of Americans like you.
Tim DeLong
President Obama needs to be talking to people about “Phase II” of Obamacare which would be a public option … which would give people an additional “option” on the Exchange.
Martha Ross
I really appreciate my insurance, I am very thankful to President Obama and Obama Care….