Chronic Illnesses Bankrupts Middle Class Families With Insurance-Story

I am one of of the many people in America who is suffering from the broken healthcare system we have in our country right now. Every single day of my life I have to fight against my multiple chronic illnesses. It is a daily struggle that sometimes I win, and many times I lose. I fight these battles every single day, and I fight them with no support from the people in government who are supposed to be there for me. The government has turned a blind eye to the many, many New Yorkers, and even more Americans outside NY, like me, who are in dire straits due to mounting health care costs and coverage gaps that we are saddled with. My family and I are in trouble, and our government officials, who have been elected to speak for me, and guide our state, and country to a better way, are failing me and those like me. We need help, and we need it now. We don’t have the luxury to wait and see what plans might come down the road. We need serious health care reform, and we need it now, otherwise people will lose their homes, their families, their lives.
In January of 2014 I went to my family doctor, after having been sick for days. I wasn’t able to breathe, my chest ached and I felt so sick – I thought I had the flu. I was given different medications and told to rest. A week later I was back in my doctor’s office, having gotten worse. Again I was given more medication and told to rest. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t get out of bed, I was so sick my husband wanted to take me to the hospital then and there. But, we didn’t go – it would cost just too much money, and after all – it is just the flu, being compounded by my asthma. So instead, I went back to my doctor’s office, from where I was told by the doctor that there was no other choice – I had to go to the hospital – my lungs weren’t working, I wasn’t getting enough oxygen, so I was taken immediately by ambulance from the doctor’s office to the hospital.
I didn’t leave that hospital for weeks. I was put on a breathing machine, while they ran test after test to find out why I wasn’t able to breathe, or stand, or even sit up. It clearly wasn’t just my asthma aggravated by a virus. My husband was at a loss, my young daughter – only 5 at the time – was so confused as to where Mommy had gone and why she couldn’t see me. Eventually I was well enough to leave and go home – still not knowing what had caused this. I was able to be back with my husband and my daughter. But, i still wasn’t well enough to walk on my own, shower on my own, feed myself, or even get out of bed by myself. As a small family in a small apartment with already mounting medical costs, my husband couldn’t stay home from work to care for me. We had no money for a home health aid, and our insurance wouldn’t cover one. So, what this meant was that my husband would make a lunch for me in the morning and put it in a lunch bag and leave it on the bed for me to eat while he was at work. So, I was left at home, alone, not able to even walk on my own, with a cooler bag containing some food and drink and a commode next to the bed. This was the best my family could do, all we could do. It took months of living like this before I was well enough to leave my house and go back to work.
Ever since then, I have been sick, I have never fully recovered. I saw doctor after doctor since 2014, trying to determine what was wrong with me – why am I still ill? Asthma specialists, pulmonologists, orthopedists, rheumatologists, neurologists, etc., a never ending parade of specialists. Eventually, over the last three years of waiting and searching and being ill, it was determined that I have a variety of chronic illnesses – all of which stem from a double whammy of progressive auto-immune diseases. l was in a desperate search of finding the right specialist – if there even was one – that could help me. Finally, I received the answers I had been searching for for THREE YEARS of pain and frustration. I have Ankylosing Spondylitis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Fibromyalgia and Asthma – all of which have no cure. There is nothing for me but a lifetime of fighting these illnesses – two of which are progressive. Since they are progressive I have to receive very consistent regular treatment so that I can slow the progression, otherwise it will get worse than it already is. I am a fighter, but I need comprehensive medical coverage so I can effectively fight these diseases! And, for every one of those doctors, hospitals, and medications I needed, there was – and still is – a cost. A big fat bill – associated with each and every one of them.
You see, I have health insurance – “good” health insurance (if any of the health insurance companies we have can be called that) – United Healthcare Oxford. My daugher and I have this health insurance through my husband’s job. Our insurance has a $2500 deductible – per person. Our insurance costs $2215 per month. In addition, I have to pay over $200 per month in copays to see my doctors. I take sixteen different medications. Sixteen. Each one has a prescription co-pay, and in all, it costs more than $500 per month just to pay for these medications. This means $3000 per month immediately goes to life-saving healthcare costs, assuming I don’t need any special treatments that month (which I often do), and excluding the $2500 deductible.
Obviously, the crushing costs of all of this is not something we have been able to maintain – we are drowning from these costs. I have thousands of dollars in debt from medical bills. They go all the way back to the hospital bills from 2014. But this debt isn’t just mine – it hangs over my entire family’s heads. There are times I have to go without the medical treatment I need, just so we can pay the bills – just to keep the lights and heat on. There are times I have to choose between getting my daughter the basic things she needs, or paying the rent, over the medical care that I need.
My family lives in an apartment, above a store, in Babylon. My husband has a good job. I used to work too until June 2017, and the one and only reason I had been able to keep my job for so long while being so sick is FMLA. I worked for as long as I was able to, because now that I am enrolling in disability – which my doctors tell me I should have done a long time ago, and have hurt myself by not doing until now- we will not be able to afford our apartment, or pay our bills. My disability payment would cover less than one paycheck per month that I was receiving while working. That is not enough to cover even the medical costs we have every month.
Every minute that I am home I am lying in my bed sleeping, or resting. I am not able to cook, clean, take care of my family, play with my child – none of the things most people take for granted. I cannot even take a shower without becoming tired and in pain. By the time I am done washing my hair my arms feel like they are going to fall off from the exhaustion. This is my life now.
All of this because I am unlucky enough to become a sick person in the middle class, in NY, in America. People like me are stuck. We used to make too much money to qualify for Medicare or financial assistance, and yet not enough to be able to pay the medical bills and all our other bills without going bankrupt, or going without medical treatments and care we need, just to be able to provide for our family. Now that I am unable to work at all I have filed for disability. It can take anywhere from a month to two years for an initial Social Security disability application to be approved. We are down half of what our family was making. My husband alone is trying to keep this family afloat. How in the world does the government expect a person who has become disabled to live while their disability application is processed? How are we supposed to pay the rent, the bills, buy food, afford medical treatments? We can’t. This slowly sinking ship has become the Titanic.
I am 33 years old, with no savings. We own nothing and have nothing to show for all the hard work my 37 year old husband and I have put in over the years. Both of us have worked since we were teenagers – and we have nothing to show for it. With the way things are now in our state and country – I don’t see how we ever will.
I ask how in this great progressive state and nation, why is this a reality for my family, and so many others? How is this allowed to be ignored by so many? How is this the America that we have, when we know that this is not the America we want and have believed in? My family, and so many others, need your help – right now. The repeal of the ACA alone would be disastrous for people who benefit from it – people like me. Passing the new Republican Healthcare Bill – H. R. 1628 – will result in homelessness and death for sick people like me. For those that support this bill, how can you condone killing people? Make no mistake – this bill WILL kill people without a doubt. I am a perfect example. Here’s what would happen to me if this bill passed.
If H. R. 1628 passed it would essentially end protections for people with pre-existing conditions. The Senate bill allows states to opt-out of covering essential health benefits, which means insurance companies can stop offering plans that cover the kind of services people with pre-existing conditions like me need. This has the effect of driving up the price for consumers for plans that offer the broader coverage they need, likely to the point where they could not afford it. So,this alone would cause us to lose everything. We can’t afford the healthcare costs the way they are now! So, I will be forced to choose to no longer get treatment or my family will become homeless. Without treatment, I will die. This tiny piece of the bill alone could decimate me and others like me. This in no way goes into all the other ways this bill could harm me and have the same end result. Here in NY alone H. R. 1628 will cause an average premium increase in 2018 of $1,094 per person. The total amount of people who will lose health insurance coverage in NY would be 1,227,100 people.
You can help us by supporting the NY Health Act ( S4840) – a bill here in NY, and supporting a national single-payer, universal health bill federally, such as H.R. 676, the Expanded and Improved Medicare for All Act. These types of bills will save people’s lives. These bills can alleviate the pain and shame associated with being chronically ill, by stopping the accumulation of crushing debt that comes with being sick. These bills can help people get the medical care they need, without having to choose between providing for their family or going to the doctor. These bills will help people who are afraid to go to the hospital when they are ill, because the cost is just too high – and that is when terrible things happen, as I know all too well. You all have the power to do something about this. So, I beg of you, stand up for me. Stand up for all of us that cannot stand on our own. Stand up and stop this – support the NY Health Act, the federal Improved Medicare for All Act, and oppose with everything you have in you the repeal of the ACA and replacement of it with H. R. 1628 – and do it now, before it is too late.
Your knowledge about H.R. 1628 is wrong.
Amendment #33 offered by the Hon. Thomas MacArthur (NJ) says:
—The amendment allows states to waive essential health benefits, age rating, and community rating. Health insurers would not be allowed to [deny coverage,] discriminate based on gender or [limit access based on] preexisting conditions. States must explain how the waiver will reduce average premiums for patients, increase enrollment for residents, stabilize the state’s health insurance market, stabilize premiums for individuals living with preexisting conditions, or increase patients’ health care plan options.
That is fine information, but I’m struggling to figure out why you posted it here? The MacArthur amendment allows states to waive essential benefits, age ratings, and community ratings… it therefore indirectly could price people with preexisting conditions out of care… but yes, it also doesn’t allow for direct discrimination.
So like, we report accurately on our site, not on this page, but on our site.
So just fully missing your point.
Patricia Rainwaters
Its a terrible story.But I know what she means.I support Medicare for all.I turned 65 in June and all my insurance was taken away because they say I am to old for Medicaid don’t qualify for medicare nor SSI nor SS .So My husband an I live on his disability. I am diabetic and just one of my meds is over 400 a month and I have no income at allIf I paiud for my meds from his income there would be nothing much left to pay our expenses for the month.Yes I know exactly what she means.I am one who has fell through the cracks of the health care..