Obamacare Saved From Repeal, Trumpcare Won’t Pass… For Now

20 Million covered under ACA

ObamaCare will Remain the Law of the Land… For Now

Paul Ryan confirmed, House Republicans “came up short” in their repeal and replace vote and ObamaCare will stay in place “for the foreseeable future.”

“ObamaCare will remain the law of the land until it’s replaced,” the Speaker said. “We’re going to be living with ObamaCare for the foreseeable future.”…

UPDATE: House Republicans passed the latest version of their repeal and replace bill 217-to-213 on Thursday May 4th, 2017. The bill will now go to the Senate for review and another vote. Find out “What Will Happen if ObamaCare is Repealed?

…. from the original article:

“We came really close today, but we came up short,” he added.

“I spoke to the president a little while ago and I told him the best thing I think to do was to pull this bill, and he agreed with that. I will not sugarcoat this; this is a disappointing day for us. Doing big things is hard.”

In other words, this is good news for everyone who depends on the Affordable Care Act.

There is no longer a repeal and replace plan, instead we all have an opportunity to work together to come up with a repair plan, theoretically.

TIP: House Republicans could not get enough Republican votes to carry the law, and no House Democrats voted for it (it did not make it to the Senate). Trump has tried to blame Democrats for the loss, but that is just a deflection technique (as, at the end of the day, it was RyanCare/TrumpCare that didn’t pass due to a lack of Republican votes; Democrats were given no opportunity to help craft the bill… fingers crossed they will be in the future).

Read more: Ryan: ObamaCare will be law for ‘foreseeable future’.

Author: Thomas DeMichele

Thomas DeMichele is the head writer and founder of ObamaCareFacts.com, FactsOnMedicare.com, and other websites. He has been in the health insurance and healthcare information field since 2012. ObamaCareFacts.com is a...

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